New Dry Goods Shop In Arenales Al 900.


Jan 3, 2011
A great new shop called Todo Re-Suelto has just opened up on Arenales St between Suipacha and Carlos Pellegrini. It has all sorts of interesting products, including:
Powdered ginger
Ground coriander and coriander "en grano"
Cloves and ground cloves
Star Anis
a whole range of seeds including sunflower seeds
Rye flour (centeno?)
Cus cus
Mandioca flour
Sushi rice
and various beans, including poroto cranberry.

Thought those in the area might be interested.
I was in this store a month or so ago, and I agree, its good. Lots of interesting foods that are very hard to find. I got some organic mate there.
In the USA, we would call it a "health food store"- and, here, its more like a dietetica than anything else.
Dry Goods is something out of a Clint Eastwood movie, where they sell canned peaches, bullets, and rope.
Clint Eastwood sounds good to me. :) I'm obviously out of practice with speaking English (and its my native language!). The shop is full of dry products like flours, spices, herbs, hence "dry goods". The whole street smells deliciously spicy because of this place.
I asked the owner about garam masala and while he had no idea what it was, he said he'd try and get some in.