New Exchange Rate On Wednesday

a) I don`t think that people that voted Macri is idiot. I asserted many times that there were a lot of people angry because they were not able to continue washing money buying usd without afip controls. Prat Gay made enphasis about that there will be not AFIP control. So, sure, they are not stupid, I know.

Do you remember the AFIP persecuting people who was paying minimum monotributo and went to Las Vegas to see a boxing match and spent 30.000 usd?

The main problem with this country since Videla white collar criminality become part of the culture and the middle class see it as a right.

b ) I just see that the press protects him (personal experience from the class action I made for xenophobia because he created the pure porteño category for the tango contest) and there were some bombs just in time like "La Morsa" and Periodismo para todos was made to boycott the K party. This is why Lanata is not here with his show now.

Look, until 1 week agoa this was the worst country in the world but now...magic! (clarification: 11 months of this yeas happened under the "regime")

I know that ultra K call them flat brain but I disagree with that.

By the way, this movie is great:

However, as you know, I think that Macri represents the Militar Party. If you read this sounds familiar, doesn´t it?:

Macri also opened importation with no limits like Videla did, watch this:

c) So, I asserted many times that Macri was going to enforce the last dictatorship economy plan without desaparecidos. Until now, he is just confirming my predictions. I only hope that he also confirms my prediction about no desaparecidos because the hate speech (Kukas, shegua, planeros, choripaneros, diKtadora, etc) is the threshold of genocide.

Last time it finished with a 90 billion debt and the industry destroyed.

I just see how is this going to finish: very bad.
In your vain efforts to discredit Mauricio Macri you've really hit rock bottom, which surprises me not in the least.
Macri also opened importation with no limits like Videla did...

The status of importation and being able to exchange your money is the same as it was in October, 2011. Its interesting to hear that you think CFK until October, 2011 and Nestor as well as other presidents before them were all "like Videla". This is the second time you've accused your democratically elected presidents to be military dictators. Before it was you claiming that only dictators received the Banda and the Baston in Salon Blanco (obviously false since everyone except Nestor and Cristina did it). And now you're claiming Macri is a dictator because "he opened importation".

Let me list out some things in which I've noticed Macri is like Videla (might as well throw Hitler in there, I mean, why not):
  1. Macri makes speeches, Videla did too!
  2. Macri waved at people, Videla did too!!
  3. Macri holds meetings, Videla did too!!!
  4. Macri speaks Spanish, Videla did too!!!!
  5. Macri is the President of Argentina, Videla was too!!!!!
  6. Macri eats, Videla did too!!!!!!
  7. Macri drinks, Videla did too!!!!!!!
  8. Macri walks, Videla did too!!!!!!!!
  9. Macri breathes (that cunning bastard!), Videla did too!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure there are plenty of other comparisons that can be made but I am sure my list proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Macri is just Videla reincarnate!

Oh and what is it that you said about hate...?
so you can go tomorrow to the Argentinean bank and buy dollars or euros and send them back home to your bank account through bank payment?

Don't try to get back on topic when we all know, and are foaming at the mouth, that Macri is a dictator!!!!!!

(To answer your question: Yes to you being able to buy dollars. I am not sure about bank transfers but I would assume that you are able to do those as well since transfers outside mean purchasing foreign currency and taking it out of the country. You can also transfer money to Argentina now without the central bank keeping a big chunk of it.)
I have every faith in Prat Gay that he knows what he's doing. Same for the whole administration.

There are a couple of issues here:

1. Personally, my default position with any incoming government-- especially one with which I tend to be more aligned ideologically-- is extreme skepticism. They are now in power so the burden of proof is on them to show they can put their money where their mouth is. This was, ironically, also my position when CFK took power, and time and their serious policy blunders proved that I was right to be skeptical from the outset.

2. Because of the high-pitched tone of politics here (and elsewhere), there is an all-too common tendency to confuse "I hate X's policies" with "X is an idiot". At no point would I have accused Kiciloff or CFK or Capitanich of "not knowing what they were doing"; rather they were implementing policies that I personally disagreed with. Same is true for Prat Gay et co. You'd have to be daft to accuse him, Sturzenegger, Melconian, etc. of not knowing what they are doing. Whether or not you agree with those policy goals, however, is a whole 'nuther ball of wax.

Do I see correct? Dolar ahorro and turista are still there?

Edit: now is all OK, no ahorro, turista and soja. Looks normal, even the number seems OK :)
a) I don`t think that people that voted Macri is idiot. I asserted many times that there were a lot of people angry because they were not able to continue washing money buying usd without afip controls. Prat Gay made enphasis about that there will be not AFIP control. So, sure, they are not stupid, I know.

Do you remember the AFIP persecuting people who was paying minimum monotributo and went to Las Vegas to see a boxing match and spent 30.000 usd?

The main problem with this country since Videla white collar criminality become part of the culture and the middle class see it as a right.

Sigh. If people don't pay their taxes, they should be prosecuted for not paying their taxes. Period. End of story. Everything else is class warfare.

And by the way, corruption in taxes needs to be addressed simultaneously on both ends. If after paying everything you still have to pay bribes to get basic shit done and/or be left alone, that's not an argument in favor of paying taxes.

b ) I just see that the press protects him (personal experience from the class action I made for xenophobia because he created the pure porteño category for the tango contest) and there were some bombs just in time like "La Morsa" and Periodismo para todos was made to boycott the K party. This is why Lanata is not here with his show now.

I guess that the press doesn't think that demanding residence to compete in a local contest is all that scandalous. That certainly amounts to protection, with all the word's mafia connotations.

Except when we get to something more pertinent and relevant, where suddenly we see the evil Clarin and La Nación giving plenty of coverage to all the criticism. Maybe, just maybe, they simply care more about current events more than rules for a tango contest.

Look, until 1 week agoa this was the worst country in the world but now...magic! (clarification: 11 months of this yeas happened under the "regime")

Right again. Certainly TN would have made no mention of this report had Macri not won.


However, as you know, I think that Macri represents the Militar Party.

Yes, we know. And as you know, we think that makes you deranged.


Macri also opened importation with no limits like Videla did, watch this:

c) So, I asserted many times that Macri was going to enforce the last dictatorship economy plan without desaparecidos. Until now, he is just confirming my predictions. I only hope that he also confirms my prediction about no desaparecidos because the hate speech (Kukas, shegua, planeros, choripaneros, diKtadora, etc) is the threshold of genocide.

Last time it finished with a 90 billion debt and the industry destroyed.

I just see how is this going to finish: very bad.


Nico went about it in a more colorful way, but his point is quite correct. I am not thoroughly conversant with the military regime's economic plan, and am not sure it is relevant.

The problem with the dictatorship was not their economic plan, it was the wide scale murder and repression that went along. The economic model is not relevant to that at all - plenty of places on earth have normal import laws and also don't routinely murder and torture people.

If trains in Nazi-occupied Poland ran more on schedule than before, I happen not to think that they must specifically be made to run late again.

Look, I understand that living here and being from here has made you numb to the insanity by a thousand cuts that living here entails. You don't communicate regularly with friends not from here who hear something and can only say "What?!". But it's insane all the same. You are insane all the same.

And I can also get that the traumatic events of the late 70's may have brought you to a situation where merely hearing about sane policies creates flashbacks for you to the dictatorship. But the dictatorship was wrong because they killed and tortured. Their economic model is not too relevant - though as I hear, it was absolutely soaked with corruption, which is enough to let us hope for the better now. Try to judge policies on their merits, rather than practice guilt by association.
How does one check the exchange rate used by banks when withdrawing from ATM?