New Exchange Rate On Wednesday

How does one check the exchange rate used by banks when withdrawing from ATM?

The rate will be published by your bank, central bank (not updated yet) and banco de la nacion (website down) on their websites. Its the same rate. Just calculate the fees specific to your bank.
The USD/ARS has officialy been devalued:
Has anyone gone into a bank or exchange house and actually bought dollars? i.e. Are there dollars to buy?

And what do we think the immediate inflation rate will be?

I'm gobsmacked that we're even discussing Macri and Videla (wash my mouth out with soap and water!) in the same context.
Has anyone gone into a bank or exchange house and actually bought dollars? i.e. Are there dollars to buy?

And what do we think the immediate inflation rate will be?


TN just covering this. No transactions in cash at casas de cambio right now because apparently they're waiting for actual official information from Central Bank and also waiting on updating their systems to be able to deal with this new and strange idea known as "currency conversion".

Prices for things that are either imported or that the sellers think they can get away with raising prices will probably go up as much as the difference between end of day rate yesterday and end of day rate today. But hopefully it'll be temporary. I would be worried if food prices start going up because "devaluation". Many of us are probably going to be able to make ends meet but there are many Argentines who won't be able to. Apparently, according to Pray Gay, the government also thought this could be a problem and hence spoke in advance with different business folks. And also announced that the prices should be the same until sometime next year as they were end of November. In other words, a continuation of "precios cuidados".
That's all very well Nico, but you know what Argentine opportunists are like, who will now be justifying their price hikes on devaluation just like they did/do with inflation.
Bring back Moreno, all is forgiven.