New Expat - Medical Insurance


Mar 10, 2025
I am moving down to Buenos Aires in August (will be there again this month for a month or so) and It's super hard trying to find medical insurance. I've tried OSDE over the phone and they told me I needed a DNI and the hospital plans (aleman) told me I can't join with prexisting condition (Chrons) - not sure where else to go. I'm relatively healthy and I'm only 31 years old. Any advice?
If you're coming for a month or so you'll have an extremely difficult time finding any company willing to insure you for only a month. You're better off getting travel health insurance in your country of origin.

Also, health insurance companies here are in some ways worse than American ones. For example, OSDE is lying, you don't need a DNI, and Hospital Aleman is breaking the law - it's illegal in Argentina, like in the US, to deny coverage to someone with preexisting conditions. They can charge you an extra premium for the first year, but that's it, outright denial is illegal, and if you want to denounce them, you can, but honestly not worth the time since most people with preexisting conditions return the favor in kind to these bloodsuckers by omitting the fact.
I’m oficially moving in august - itll be long term. Do most people just not let them know about their preexisting conditions and make “ complaints” later.