New Here And Looking For Work

Citygirl I was definitely not talking about you. but yes I am expecting all good and bad. And I think that is a very good advise I will start searching that too!

nlaruccia thanks I could really use this kind of support :D and yes there are always those who genuinely show respect for what you are doing.
yes, but I wanted the citizenship.

The idea is to someday have my own place, so to learn that its always best to start from ground level, but yes Spanish is an obstacle which hopefully I will overcome in due course. The bigger obstacle is that Im a woman and this is a mans world, so I will be laughed at and bullied a lot, first in here and then in the real world.

If 4k pays my house rent and a little more in a small town, then Im ok with it :)
You are a single mother with a young child who just paid an attorney big bucks for Argie citizenship and you can live in some kind of dwelling that cost $300USD per mo? Where's the father of anchor child.? Your story isn't adding up. Sorry. Are you a shill for the famous Cero.
You are a single mother with a young child who just paid an attorney big bucks for Argie citizenship and you can live in some kind of dwelling that cost $300USD per mo? Where's the father of anchor child.? Your story isn't adding up. Sorry. Are you a shill for the famous Cero.
Huh ? ​A shill, as a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating as at the gambling house?...ghost, you have some grand imagination....
I would appreciate if my child is not refered to as an anchor child, that's the main reason I did not want to have my baby in US.

Cero is a good attorney. My husband works hard for us, and can afford to pay good bucks too, but this is something I want to do for myself on my own, I don't see why anyone should worry about my private life.

I only came here for advise, and suggestions since I don't know this place as well as most of you do.
Private life. Public forum. Welcome to BAExpats.

I still don't understand what you plan to accomplish by working manual labor on a farm or estancia.
Private life. Public forum. Welcome to BAExpats.

I still don't understand what you plan to accomplish by working manual labor on a farm or estancia.

She said,- [background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]The idea is to someday have my own place, so to learn that its always best to start from ground level,...[/background]
She said,- [background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]The idea is to someday have my own place, so to learn that its always best to start from ground level,...[/background]

No estancia in Argentina has ever been built from the ground up. As citygirl said - apples and oranges.
Humble beginnings. I want to work.

I am not a native English speaker, so I don't qualify for anything that has to do with English since there is plenty of native English speakers here I will be at the end of that list

I had a European nanny for my kids who spoke good English too but was working as a nanny, its respectable, but if I have to pay someone else to take care of my kids in order for me to go do the same for someone else, doesn't make much sense.

With my zero experience in the farm or animal care no one will consider to hire me for management of such.

I can stitch but I don't want to, I can cook but I don't want to do that either.

Besides, I want to learn everything there is to know about a farm or animals it doesn't necessarily have to be grooming but whatever is available I cant be much too choosy about it. Its more of a pet project then commercial for me. But I do want to work and if I get something I like doing that will be great!