New Here To Ba Forum


Feb 23, 2015
Hi all, im new to this forum and i hope that the content here gets better. As in more positive.
I have been here in BsAs for quite a while and really didnt want to be involved with the expat scene because as far as im aware, we are all here from choice. I mean, none of us are prisoners here who were dragged against their will, and i wanted to experience La Vida here in Argentina.
I wanted to get in touch with people who had advice about Accountants and Lawyers etc. But sadly, all i can see is a bunch of people comparing everything to 'home' and saying negative things about the locals and the city.
Gosh! I personally couldnt love this place more! I come from Australia but you guys must come from some sort of Utopia!!!
I find this place no more/less dangerous than places in Australia, i have never been in danger..due to having a good common sense and looking around to do what locals do.
I find the people here not histerico/a, just warm hearted, generous, funny, with a few subtle customs that are a little different, but by and large, really the same as Australia. They have been so so warm and helpful to me, with no expectations of things in return. But yeh! They have emotions and i find the tendency to say what you think/feel a Goddamn breath of fresh air!!! If you dont like it there is always....Asia.
So i hope that i find some happy, positive threads with people loving their life here in BsAs. Argentina is full of good people and fun to be had but i dont want to see another bitch session about the Argentine people and the different ways of doing things here that piss you off, because no matter where you go there is always gonna be something. Its really boring, negative and disrespectful to this wonderful country and its people who you have chosen to call...home.
Lets talk about how to make the most of this city and country.

My type of Gal . Where have you been hiding for the longest longest longest time ???????

I´ve been trying to be as subtle as I can, and I´ve been hit with all kinds of baseball bats, iron clubs, hurling stones, ... you name it.

If you say the slightest kind word about Argentina, you will be the black sheep on this Forum.
I asked for an explanation to understand the overwhelming majority point of view, but NO ONE offered to help me understand.
There must be a reason, .. an explanation anyone ?
So far I don´t get it. May be some day, may be never !

What I found amazing here is that everyone speaks in absolute terms.
For example everyone would point out the corruption here, as if the rest of the world is pure innocent virgin.
Of coarse there is corruption, but total nonsense, when you don´t compare to elsewhere.

Another example: Every single topic, even a joke WILL BE TURNED INTO POLITICS.
As if everyone breathes, lives and dies by politics.
Politics is a stupid waste of time. People spend more time on politics than Argentines spend on football.
Politics are for politicians, we have nothing to benefit or loose from it, same as football belongs to the Messi´s and the Maradona´s of the world. What do we have to do with football or politics? We are just the pawns.

And it is emotional, ... people can leave debating the point, and start verbally attacking you personally.

FEISTY BREATH OF FRESH AIR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shrimps on the Barbie and the Drinks on me !!!!!

Now Listen ....
Shots ringing echos
Based on your stated goals and was nice knowing you.
We love Argentina and the wonderful people we have met over the past 10 years. Welcoming, open, generous!
It tends to be the nature of Internet forums that people air their complaints and problems and rarely make a post just say something nice. Just because it is what you see posted here doesn't mean people feel mostly like that, we all have bad days and need to air stuff a bit. Living far from 'home' there are not many outlets.
I love talking to people who come for a couple of months and then go back...I can remember the enthusiasm about the's like being in love! But like in love, there's a honeymoon period that lasts anywhere from a few months to afew years and then the glow loses its luster and the reality is not so pretty. There really is a qualitative difference between living here full time,part time, or being a newcomer, and people's comments, I believe, reflect which group they belong to and where they are in the process. Enthusing and/or griping,.this forum is helpful because we are in this together, are sharing this experience, and can turn to each other for knowledge and support. Mutual respect despite differing perspectives, is essential for the support part. A little bit of empathy doesn't hurt either...
Reading the original post made me remember the good old days. It also makes me feel very old.