New Here To Ba Forum

It tends to be the nature of Internet forums that people air their complaints and problems and rarely make a post just say something nice. Just because it is what you see posted here doesn't mean people feel mostly like that, we all have bad days and need to air stuff a bit. Living far from 'home' there are not many outlets.

In fact many members (*myself included) do post some positive comments. Just take Hybrid Ambassador!
The "dialectical" nature of internet forums makes it that those threads do not receive as many replies as negative ones and thus never achieve the threshold of thread success that is defined by Godwin's Law.
I love talking to people who come for a couple of months and then go back...I can remember the enthusiasm about the's like being in love! But like in love, there's a honeymoon period that lasts anywhere from a few months to afew years and then the glow loses its luster and the reality is not so pretty.

I think you absolutely nailed it.
Also, the scene bellow is a good visual analogy of the evolution of relationship a typical expat has with Argentina over time, and touches well on the points you mentioned.

I love talking to people who come for a couple of months and then go back...I can remember the enthusiasm about the's like being in love! But like in love, there's a honeymoon period that lasts anywhere from a few months to afew years and then the glow loses its luster and the reality is not so pretty. There really is a qualitative difference between living here full time,part time, or being a newcomer, and people's comments, I believe, reflect which group they belong to and where they are in the process. Enthusing and/or griping,.this forum is helpful because we are in this together, are sharing this experience, and can turn to each other for knowledge and support. Mutual respect despite differing perspectives, is essential for the support part. A little bit of empathy doesn't hurt either...
Reading the original post made me remember the good old days. It also makes me feel very old.

I´m just guessing here, just a wild guess:

I think lots of people set up higher expectations, and are disappointed when it did not happen !
Especially if you have to make a living. It´s not realistic to expect things go smooth, in a country with a ruined economy.

I speak for myself, ... I expected much much much less from Argentina.
I came here with a different picture in mind, ... Cuba, Santo Domingo, Mexico ... and alike.
In fact many members (*myself included) do post some positive comments. Just take Hybrid Ambassador!
The "dialectical" nature of internet forums makes it that those threads do not receive as many replies as negative ones and thus never achieve the threshold of thread success that is defined by Godwin's Law.

Please remember Hybrid Ambassador has never been to Argentina, which makes it much easier to keep that positive mental attitude.

I have defended Argentina both inside and outside this forum. There are certainly good things about it. At the same time it is also frustrating and absurd.

Most of people who show up and complain about the complainers haven't spend much time in Argentina, have never been paid in pesos, have never tried to have a package sent to Argentina, etc. etc. etc.
Please remember Hybrid Ambassador has never been to Argentina, which makes it much easier to keep that positive mental attitude.

I have defended Argentina both inside and outside this forum. There are certainly good things about it. At the same time it is also frustrating and absurd.

Most of people who show up and complain about the complainers haven't spend much time in Argentina, have never been paid in pesos, have never tried to have a package sent to Argentina, etc. etc. etc.

I think now I got it !

Finally finally I got my answer, .... you just confirmed my puzzling quest for almost a year !

Trying to make it in a poor economy, is like trying to milk a stone.

Now that I know, I should keep my mouth shut.
I empathize, ... now that I understand where you coming from.
I think now I got it !

Finally finally I got my answer, .... you just confirmed my puzzling quest for almost a year !

Of coarse it´s hard to make ends meet in a f***ed up economy.

Now that I know, I should keep my mouth shut.
I empathize, ... now that I understand where you coming from.

Your post is incoherent.
I think you absolutely nailed it.
Also, the scene bellow is a good visual analogy of the evolution of relationship a typical expat has with Argentina over time, and touches well on the points you mentioned.

I dont want to polemize (believe me) but if you (and that goes to everyone on this forum that often complain, or, as laCoqueta insinuated, painfully live here) are having such a hard time, what are you waiting to leave? we are all grown ups, and we are not people without resources, I mean we are all upper middle class, people with education, who travelled, speak many languages... given all that, I can not understand the complain, cause if you are not comfortable in a situation, wherever you are, you can change, you have the resources: you always can leave. You can always leave. You always can leave.

Besides, I can understand this from a yankee, but from a Brazilian, its not much different than here!!

And to the OP, it is very fresh to read an opinion like yours on this board.
To make it and build a career, ... I´d need to tough it out in a solid robust 1st world class economy.
Argentina is for relaxing, partying having fun and good time. ... It´s a great place to lay back, hang your hat and put your feet up.
I´d never ever think about starting life and career in Argentina. Tempting, seducing, ... but I´d never allow it to cross my mind.

In Argentina I have to:
.................................... to take myself out of the "success" based American life
Stay positive! Like attracts like. Blow by the bitter crap - especially if it has nothing to do with what you're experiencing now.
this forum is a great source of information. I learn about the political differences of opinion, economics, where to buy things, omg immigration and the processes to just survive. I will live here some day and thanks to the forum and the many helpful ways to deal with the chaos, viva argentina. that said' I consume in small doses and really enjoy the culture, the people, and the city. always will inspite of posts I don't agee with.