New Iphone


Jan 1, 2008
Is it possible to buy a new iPhone from Apple in Buenos Aires? I'm not having any luck. All I can find is Craig's list, etc.

Thanks, Tom
Not that it matters but do you think there is any difference between the manufacture of Apple products and any of the others. At lease Apple is planning a return to manufacturing in the USA of some products. Can you live without a cell phone of chines clothes or……etc?
My opinion is that Apple products are too restricting in what they allow their users to do. Sure they sell very polished products but they tend to break & fail just as much as any other brand only at a higher cost for parts/repairs. For example, Macbook pros, i7/i5/ CPU (central processing units) are soldered straight onto their motherboards instead of having a dedicated CPU socket. This design only helps to ensure that your computer will have a shorter life span, a hidden nasty design that they won't show in their marketing.

If I was going to buy a mobile phone I'd recommend a Galaxy s4, or Galaxy Note 3 with the stylus. I'd also recommend checking out HTC, LG & Lenovo.
internationalguy, throw out everything "MADE IN CHINA" because that's the labor situation in China.

TomAtAlki, MacStation and iPoint don't have iPhones listed on their websites. I would suggest visiting these stores and talking to someone there. I think iPhone imports are either not allowed or restricted somehow.
My opinion is that Apple products are too restricting in what they allow their users to do. Sure they sell very polished products but they tend to break & fail just as much as any other brand only at a higher cost for parts/repairs. For example, Macbook pros, i7/i5/ CPU (central processing units) are soldered straight onto their motherboards instead of having a dedicated CPU socket. This design only helps to ensure that your computer will have a shorter life span, a hidden nasty design that they won't show in their marketing.

I have had a Macbook Pro for the last 2 years and an iPhone for the last 3 years, haven't had a single problem. And on that note, I've had the same Windows PC for the last 5 years and never had any viruses on it. But I had a laptop with Debian on it but I screwed around with it so much that now its sitting dead on my desk, not the fault of Debian, just the way I used it. So maybe its the way people use their devices...? :p
But at least when they abuse their products on a PC, burn out the CPU (or want to replace it) they can buy a relatively inexpensive chip rather than an entire new computer...
But at least when they abuse their products on a PC, burn out the CPU (or want to replace it) they can buy a relatively inexpensive chip rather than an entire new computer...

I agree. Anyone planning on abusing their PC should not buy Apple products.
Nico, YEs, true, agreed..but for example, anything you do on your iphone has to go through their iTunes..that's restrictive to me. Your Macbook, due to it's limited 'must look cool at any cost' air ventilation design will soon get 'solder fatigue' or dry joints & will have to be re-balled, or you'll have to buy a new motherboard that will come with the same 'use by' design limits..your Debian laptop, well, we don't know there :) , but for hardware I would recommend Lenovo or toshiba as they tend to be more conservative with their hardware designs. If you're experimenting with linux I'd recommend Linuxmint with the Cinnamon or Mate desktop as they tend to have the best community support.
As far as I know, the only way to get an iphone new in Argentina would be either buy one from a private party on mercado libre, or buy one from an authorized dealer- the apple store doesnt sell them. The "authorized dealers" would be Movistar, Personal, and Claro- except none of them are selling iphones either.
Which means, you buy one that has been smuggled in, for a really high price, or you dont get one.

As far as the apple/pc battles- everybody has different needs, and wants.
Apple actually does just fine, selling computers AND phones- and not everybody who buys one is some kind of sucker.
Historically, there was a point where there were fifty PC's sold for every mac- last year, 2012, it was down to 20 PC's for every mac- that is a HUGE market takeover by apple.

Currently, I run Windows on 3 machines, and apple operating systems on 6. Both have their advantages and drawbacks. Neither is significantly cheaper, if you are just looking to buy a product and use it, as opposed to studying computer science and building your own. I have had to repair a fair amount of apple stuff- some things are easy to fix, others not. For me, Apple products are often the cheapest, lowest maintenance solution.

But hey, buy whatever you want to buy.
Just dont judge Apple by the prices they get for em in Argentina- because Argentina is the single highest price, worldwide, for iphones, ipads, ipods, and imacs.
That would be like saying, Porsches are ridiculously overpriced, because they cost $300k in Argentina. When in Cali, right now, a used Boxster can be had for $7500 on Craigslist.