New map of Argentina. Down to the South Pole.

how clever. notice they claim the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands so that they can extend sovereignty over the south pole in a triangular formation. without the chain of islands, claiming that much of the south pole would be harder to contest via the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea . not to mention the massive exclusive economic zone in the waters around all these islands far down into the deeper waters closer to the south pole. this is pathetic of course considering argentina's inability to sort out its domestic political mess and organize its military to a basic respectable level. all this land and water will be claimed eventually, by "someone," but not by the weakling argentina.
now we understand why the population thinks it's acceptable to grab land anywhere they want

this phenomenon is on the rise in the recent almost-forgotten post war era. russia did that to georgia and south osetia first, then crimea. china made up a nine dash line in the south china sea, nepal released a brand new map hacking at the indian territory and many other countries are following suit, wholeheartedly believing it is politically correct to lay claim on land due to some obscure historic evidence. the good thing the world economy is interconnected and no major blow out war is possible because of such silly claims. was it not for the interdependence of international trade, many countries would have been decimated these two tense past two decades.