New Mobile Registration In Chile

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
All new Mobile phones sold in Chile legally must be registered.!!ç

All Mobile phones coming from abroad can be used in roaming mode without problems . In order to insert a Sim from a local carrier the Mobile must be registered with a Subtel local Agency to function.

Must provide among other things a valid passport, the IMEI id. of the Mobile, and the Purchase invoice of the Mobile ?? A pain in the butt..... B)


Google Translation of requirements

I am a foreigner, I travel to Chile, and I want to use my phone with a local SIM Card

1.- From September 23, 2017, foreigners who travel to Chile and want to use their telephone or other mobile device with a local SIM Card, must register them in the local system so that it can operate in Chile.

2.- For this, they must contact a certifying company (

3.- You must provide some background information on your trip to Chile, as well as other information on the telephone or device, making a statement such as the one enclosed (see details).

4.- You can register one (1) mobile phone free of charge per year. The above is not valid for other devices.

5.- The certification company will carry out this procedure. With that the equipment will be registered and you can use it with the SIM Card of any mobile company of the country in the bands that your telephone or device support.

6.- It will not be possible to ensure that this telephone receives the alerts issued by the Emergency Alert System (SAE) of the National Emergency Office of Chile (ONEMI).

7.- It will not be possible to ensure that this phone is compatible with the technologies (2G, 3G, 4G) available in the different mobile companies operating in Chile.

Note: If you use your phone only in roaming mode, it is not necessary to make the above mentioned registration.
This is Chile? Sounds like they consulted with Argentines on this one: “Life is too simple here. How can we complicate it with unnecessary and useless rules?” “Glad you asked. Now, if you take cell phones ...”

I`m now in Santiago and have no way to provide a copy of the Mobile Purchase Invoice, bought from a friend in LA....! So purchased a used one in Santiago and carry 2 mobiles one in roaming and another with a local SIM :rolleyes:
This is Chile? Sounds like they consulted with Argentines on this one: “Life is too simple here. How can we complicate it with unnecessary and useless rules?” “Glad you asked. Now, if you take cell phones ...”
Sounds more like North Korea to me.