New official exchange rate: 800 pesos per dollar

I see it. A package of precooked ribs went from 4100 last week to 5500 today. And I was just looking at the KANSAS menu and though I do not have a list of the exact old price.....I think it was 11000 to is now 16000 for ribs and things on the menu are 20,000. It was never that high before. These are serious increases. Sad.
Sellers on the train I ride frequently offer assorted Hershey chocolate (circa 90 grams) at 2 for 1000.
I see it. A package of precooked ribs went from 4100 last week to 5500 today. And I was just looking at the KANSAS menu and though I do not have a list of the exact old price.....I think it was 11000 to is now 16000 for ribs and things on the menu are 20,000. It was never that high before. These are serious increases. Sad.
I remember the good old days when for Us 10 one could eat in kansas. Looking at the menu its not 30 dollars average with one glass of wine
I remember the good old days when for Us 10 one could eat in kansas. Looking at the menu its not 30 dollars average with one glass of wine
I remember the good old days when for Us 10 one could eat in kansas. Looking at the menu its not 30 dollars average with one glass of wine
The good almighty dollar will go to $1600 Ars per dollar..!
The good almighty dollar will go to $1600 Ars per dollar..!
The peso has to go to 3000 per dollar by june 2024 as to beat inflation. I doubt it will get to 2000 meaning a price jump of over 50 % in us dollars by then