New to the board, any Clemson grads in BA


Jan 7, 2011

New to the board, also was curious to see if there were any Clemson University graduates on the board. If so let me know.

PAinPalermo said:

New to the board, also was curious to see if there were any Clemson University graduates on the board. If so let me know.


Welcome Paul - we are, by and large, harmless souls whose bark is worse than our bite. But you must also know that in this site we are crazy busy bodies who never let an innocent post like yours pass us by without needing to know more:
Why the need/desire for Clemson grads
a) to find a home from home that makes you feel secure in a foreign country
b) running a company and looking for good leadership types
c) other

Do tell and again welcome to the party!:)

If PA is a Clemson grad, then his bark is worse than his bite, too. Much.

PAinPalermo said:

New to the board, also was curious to see if there were any Clemson University graduates on the board. If so let me know.

War Eagle !! And welcome !
Johnny said:
War Eagle !! And welcome !

Think you just answered my questions...what was it Reese Witherspoon was in Legally Blode "Delta Blue.." :D
Completely understand the harassment, if there wasn't why would there even be a new member board. I don't need Clemson grads I was just curious if there were any living in BA. Plus, and this goes to TarHeelBluze as well, it would be nice to have someone to watch the occasional game is who for instance understands ACC bastketball. Everyone else thanks for the welcome. Ive been here since Sunday, anything I need to do as soon as possible, the can't miss type things. Thanks again.

Is there anyway to edit a message once it is posted. I tend to not check my grammar till after the fact. Thanks
I will watch ACC basketball with you whenever you like, sir. Glad to have someone who understands real sports around.
PAinPalermo said:
Is there anyway to edit a message once it is posted. I tend to not check my grammar till after the fact. Thanks
Yes. Sign in under the same name you used to write the message and you will see the 'edit' button. Click the 'edit' button. Edit the message. I usually write something then click 'preview' rather than 'send.' I catch a lot of errors that way - but not enough since I end up using the edit button quite a bit sometimes.
Another ACC basketball fan here, but I root for Maryland, so I'm not sure if I can cope with a Tar Heels fan, haha. Just kidding, although, if you were a Duke fan, then I would probably be serious. Anyway, I would be up for watching a game some time, sounds like fun.