News From A Fortified Compound, Somwhere On The Outskirts...


Jul 27, 2006
...of a municipalidad that is not Bahia Blanca....

I went to the Registro Civil this morning at 7:30 to get a turno for my nuevo DNI. The window opens at 8AM and they give out 30 turnos per day.

I received number 29. :lol:

It took about an hour to have my turn to be entered into the system by the one woman taking care of this tramite. I was given a ticket to pay the $35 peso fee and walked the four blocks to the only location where it could be paid (fortunately, not a bank). As I had the next to last turon for the day, I was told to return to the Registro just before 1PM (closing time) to hand over the receipt for the payment and have my photo and fingerprints taken. I did just that and the wait time was less than ten minutes. I was told my new DNI would arrive by mail in about two months.

I'm posting this to serve as a reminder those who still have the old DNI booklet that we're all required to have the Nuevo DNI beginning in 2015. There may be a grace period of a month or two, but there will probably be a huge rush near the end of 2014.

PS: I was able to visit with friends, pay bills, and pick up a Mercado Libre purchase at the sucursal of OCA during the four hours I had to a municipalidad that is not Bahia Blanca. :cool:
I tried to get a turno in Capital Federal, but there weren't any available until October.

Looks like I'll be back in Nov/Dec.
You can get an appointment directly at the Ministry of Interior's website:

They have appointments every day. You can go today and make an appointment for tomorrow. You can also pay in-person when you arrive there or pay in a PagoFacil a few days before your appointment.

Attention was quick and polite with less than 5 minutes of waiting. They were overstaffed if anything. I would highly recommend doing the DNI trámite through the Ministry of Interior instead of in a Registro Civil.
Hmmmm, I though that extranjeros couldn't use this system and had to schedule an appointment online via the Migraciones website.

This could be good news.

EDIT: The online form won't accept my DNI.
It won't accept mine either. I think we're stuck with going to the Registro Nacional de las Personas.
This is the link I was using:

No turnos until October.
Hmmmm, I though that extranjeros couldn't use this system and had to schedule an appointment online via the Migraciones website.

I wonder if having permanent residency makes a difference. Near the end of 2012 I went to the registro in a municipalidad that is not Bahia Blanca and was told that I had to apply for the Nuevo DNI at migraciones in (gasp) Bahia Blanca. I went there and was told that I first had to pay $50 pesos to have my file transferred from migraciones in BA.

I blew it off and never went back, partially because having the new DNI was not mandatory and also because the last time I was at migraciones in BA they told me that my file had been lost. Fortunately, that was the day after my permanent residency had been approved and I was in the system as a permanent resident.

That being said, when I went to the registro last week, in a municipalidad that is not bahia Blanca, I was told I would not have to go to migraciones to get the Nuevo DNI because I have permanent residency and the tramite could be done there with no advance turno.
When I did all of my tramites for DNI & Passport stuff, I went online and there were usually appoints (on Calle Uruguay) sometime within the next week.

Even though it was for citizen stuff, I was either using my US Passport #... or maybe I was guessing that the number on a receipt that I had for paying something was the number that I needed. I'm not sure what category I fell under, but when I went from NEVER HAVING HAD A DNI to GETTING MY ARGENTINE DNI, the lady behind the counter was really confused. I was the first person that she had ever dealt with who went directly from "VISA Turista" to "Citizen" and she had to ask a superior if that was possible, before she helped me again. (One more shout out to Bajo_cero2.)

But by the time I saw her face to face, I had already:
-Done my juramento
-Paid some fees somewhere
-Made an appointment online
-Gotten my paperwork at the building on Uruguay
-Walked over to a new window to pay my fee (and be asked by the lady "Why an 'American' would want to be Argentine?")
-THEN approached the window to take my photo for my DNI

PS- I was referred to as "un americano" yesterday by an Argentine lady talking on the phone to someone. I didn't correct her. All of the Argentines in the room knew who she was talking about and what she meant by that. ;-)
That being said, when I went to the registro last week, in a municipalidad that is not bahia Blanca, I was told I would not have to go to migraciones to get the Nuevo DNI because I have permanent residency and the tramite could be done there with no advance turno.

So, the Paranoiaterians are now sharing Dick Cheney's undisclosed bunker...