Night And Day

to [background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]Mano Negra, on 19 January 2013[/background]

[background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]a) work on your grammar and spelling[/background]

[background=rgb(242, 242, 242)] more important: [/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] I have to conclude that people that only people fit within that description could be as rude as Argentines[/background]

[background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]perhaps what goes around, comes around? ever thought of that??[/background]
Thanks for the update. But I'd love to hear some pros and cons, a balanced view,
What do you miss from BsAs, are there things you don't like about MVD?
- Do you find MVD boring? (Yes... that's a loaded question and very personal).
- What about public transportation, do you find the colectivos slow and "leisurely"?
- Your perception of safety, for example downtown and the Old City area at night?
- Finally, how do you find the prices for housing, food, services, everyday needs??
- Jim


Boring.. so far nothing but I am married and pretty focused on work. Which is far less frustrating here with the quality of infrastructure.
Public Transportation..I never take the bus typically a taxi or walk so cannot answer that.
Old centro is a Zombi land but far less Zombis than BA.
Perception of safety is much better here but I live in Pocitos.
Prices are better for me but only because the exchange rate is not rigged and I can buy without paying VAT.
Housing food etc better pricing again I am not getting fu#^$ on the exchange rate.

What will I miss.. hmmm I cannot think of anything except my wife's family. And they are coming here for vacations now.

One thing that is a serious difference. These people really have manors and seriously they act like adults and professionals something I found profoundly lacking in Argentina.
[background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]perhaps what goes around, comes around? ever thought of that??[/background]

Seems like you and your peeps have been living in that for decades up and down and all around and you have not accomplished anything but more of the same.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Seems like you and your peeps have been living in that for decades up and down and all around and you have not accomplished anything but more of the same.[/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)] Posted Today, 01:42 AMvagabundo[/background]

"me and my peeps"? that's very funny as i live mostly in new york city. but it does bother me how many expacts love to insult argentines. (and i am not argentine.) it just displays the ugly american/brit/aussie/you fill in the blanks... kind of ugly.
"me and my peeps"? that's very funny as i live mostly in new york city. but it does bother me how many expacts love to insult argentines. (and i am not argentine.) it just displays the ugly american/brit/aussie/you fill in the blanks... kind of ugly.

I agree. The Argies are ours to insult. Back off Anglos. Go pick on the French or something.....
To the OP, have you ever wondered why there so many Uruguayans living in Argentina? Give that a thought and see if you can figure out why.
I was about to ask exactly the same, Almost all the young profesionals escape from Uruguay to come and work in Buenos Aires and according to what they say Uruguay is no paradise to live (bad sallary, crime rising fast specially on the last years, extreme dependence of Buenos Aires, and boring in general that are the main complain, just the old ones remain there). By the way the prices you have to calculate in Blue dollars not in oficial and there you realize that Uruguay is quite expensive, as you don't exchange your dollars at oficial rate as no body do when they sell.
Both cities are attractive depending on your age bracket, your income, and work status. For retired folks on a fixed income Piriapolis is an option. If you are making in excess of US $250K per annum may as well choose Bs.As.
Both cities are attractive depending on your age bracket, your income, and work status. For retired folks on a fixed income Piriapolis is an option. If you are making in excess of US $250K per annum may as well choose Bs.As.
So Rich One-San, I reckon that you are a Pensioner and loaded as if reading from your Pen Name.! Is the inflation killing your Dollar pension? Or Is your Social Security check worth nothing now days cause of inflation over there in Argie~Land? How are you doin' as far as financially, living well?..Iam asking all these cause I also plan to live on Pensioner checks.
Iam about to embark on a fact finding trip across Chile~Argentina, now interested in Uruguay and Brazil as well. Any advises for me.?
If you bring dollars you will be Ok, incomes in pesos in the last year went up by a by as much as 50%, and seems like in 2013 again will keep going up.... ! Inflation was ONLY 25%. Good luck