Night Robbery Went Sour

Being an Argentine is all about being a victim. Be a good victim and don't disrupt the national mentality.

You know that is so true. You see even the thieves are victims of poverty which is why they are justified in a culture that frowns on justice.
If he is released today, his treatment will still have been inexcusable and indefensible. A knife on armed robbers in your house does not lead to imprisonment before charges are filed, certainly not for days on end. One could think that defending your family gets you the benefit of the doubt at the very least.

I can't believe this hasn't hit the intl. press yet. That might shame them into some rational behavior.
I can't find anything suggesting he's been detained. Anyone provide a source?
The samurai cooooordobes is not going to go to jail. They might interrogate him because it is so unusual the whole situation, that`s it.
According to the criminal code, if someone breaks in during night, there are no limits regarding self defence. During day there should be lack of proper provocation, illegal attack, rational fight back (not excesive) and inmediacy.

Here is the video of the hospital (censored):

Título V -

Art. 34.- No son punibles:
1º. el que no haya podido en el momento del hecho, ya sea por insuficiencia de sus facultades, por alteraciones morbosas de las mismas o por su estado de inconsciencia, error o ignorancia de hecho no imputable, comprender la criminalidad del acto o dirigir sus acciones.
En caso de enajenación, el tribunal podrá ordenar la reclusión del agente en un manicomio, del que no saldrá sino por resolución judicial, con audiencia del ministerio público y previo dictamen de peritos que declaren desaparecido el peligro de que el enfermo se dañe a sí mismo o a los demás.
En los demás casos en que se absolviere a un procesado por las causales del presente inciso, el tribunal ordenara la reclusión del mismo en un establecimiento adecuado hasta que se comprobase la desaparición de las condiciones que le hicieren peligroso;
2º. el que obrare violentado por fuerza física irresistible o amenazas de sufrir un mal grave e inminente;
3º. el que causare un mal por evitar otro mayor inminente a que ha sido extraño;
4º. el que obrare en cumplimiento de un deber o en el legítimo ejercicio de su derecho, autoridad o cargo;
5º. el que obrare en virtud de obediencia debida;
6º. el que obrare en defensa propia o de sus derechos, siempre que concurrieren las siguientes circunstancias:
a) agresión ilegítima;
B) necesidad racional del medio empleado para impedirla o repelerla
c) falta de provocación suficiente por parte del que se defiende.
Se entenderá que concurren estas circunstancias respecto de aquél que durante la noche rechazare el escalamiento o fractura de los cercados, paredes o entradas de su casa, o departamento habitado o de sus dependencias, cualquiera que sea el daño ocasionado al agresor. Igualmente respecto de aquél que encontrare a un extraño dentro de su hogar, siempre que haya resistencia.
7º. el que obrare en defensa de la persona o derechos de otro, siempre que concurran las circunstancias a) y B) del inciso anterior y caso de haber precedido provocación suficiente por parte del agredido, la de que no haya participado en ella el tercero defensor.
we need about 20 of these guys to clean out the villas in BA. I am more afraid of a Katana than a 9mm. and after this I am sure their buddies and other like minded criminals would shrink at the sight of the shiny blade
The Ks had a LOT to do with creating this environment of lawlessness without punishment. For sure sure these criminals thought they would get away with their crime.
The Ks had a LOT to do with creating this environment of lawlessness without punishment. For sure sure these criminals thought they would get away with their crime.

WTF are you talking about?

The law that allows you to defend your home during night without limits has like a 100 years.

Criminality always exists and forget about that they are not goibg to be punished, only in your dreams.

Atempt of robbery with more than 2 people during night has between 18 months up to 5 years of jail.

There is one criminal that might has home arrest if he loose his hand.
WTF are you talking about?

The law that allows you to defend your home during night without limits has like a 100 years.

Criminality always exists and forget about that they are not goibg to be punished, only in your dreams.

Atempt of robbery with more than 2 people during night has between 18 months up to 5 years of jail.

There is one criminal that might has home arrest if he loose his hand.

you play a very important role on this forum. Else these guys will write any f'7*king thing, they want to
Can anyone verify if this man is at liberty or in detention?

If he is still being detained, then it is largely irrelevant what the law prescribes - the practical result is that defending yourself means being locked up for a week or close to that, and that is in the best case.

If he's at liberty that's great.
Can anyone verify if this man is at liberty or in detention?

If he is still being detained, then it is largely irrelevant what the law prescribes - the practical result is that defending yourself means being locked up for a week or close to that, and that is in the best case.

If he's at liberty that's great.

He has never been arrested.

He confirmed my idea that he doesn't kniw how to use it and that the sword wasn't sharp.

If someone saw the video without censorship, one criminal's face was hanging. And expert chop the head. The same with the hand of the other criminal.