Nimbus Cueva shut down by police

The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English.

This is an interesting one. The guy apparently offered a whole range of financial services -

"... illegal international network that exploited the black trading of dollars in the country, scams State through false operations of a travel agency to obtain tourist dollars from the Central Bank, and the offer of account opening services abroad that were not declared in the country by the Argentine residents. It is even presumed, due to notes found in one of these "caves", that the Rojnica financial company coordinated the management of blue prices, since a schedule was found in which certain dates were highlighted with the reference "jump ", proving that they had "exact correlation with the days in which increases were recorded" in the price of the parallel dollar."

The calendar part seems very interesting. It would explain the sudden jumps or runs on the blue dollar, and I admit they did seem manipulated. Such things don't just happen on their own, and several of those sudden leaps did not seem to be associated with any particular event.

The truly ugly part is at the very end, the last 4 paragraphs, of the story MilHojas posted just above.
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The cries of "cambio" were silenced when I walked through microcentro on thursday it felt very strange. Although I have an extreme case of 'cara de yankee' people can tell I'm foreign from a block away so I still had people discreetly approaching me and whispering cambio, cambio, cambio