Non-Stop Exodus of Multinationals Leaving Argentina...!

While Moyano wants to free the slaves here, ML is spending more and more in Brazil:

Su declaraciones hicieron que Moyano sacara a flote la pelea que mantiene el empresario Marcos Galperín, CEO de Mercado Libre, quien decidió radicarse en Uruguay tras la vuelta del peronismo a la Casa Rosada. “Lo mismo que hicieron con Uber quieren hacer con Mercado Libre: quitarle todo derecho al trabajador y que trabaje como un esclavo. Esto es lo que los gremios del transporte no vamos a permitir”, remarcó con firmeza el líder camionero.
We don’t need ML. We have Correo Compras now.
But I get it, it’s the Argentine equation, where those who have money should be asked to invest their money without any rights or protections. Meanwhile those who do not have money, should not be asked to invest their time and effort without affording them every right and protection imaginable. This combination equals development and a healthy business environment, apparently.
Next! Wonder if that means cellphones in Argentina will get even more expensive... as always it’s the people who pay the price of their pride.

With current blue exchange rate cellphones are actually priced quite reasonably here.

With current blue exchange rate cellphones are actually priced quite reasonably here.

These phones are made here in the factory in question. Hence no import tariffs are applicable.

An iphone 11, purchased through legit channels with all the taffifs that come with imports, currently goes for around 280k thanks to all the taxes (About $1555 with the blue...) or a Macbook Pro around $600k ($3330 with the blue)
Not exactly bargains... now imagine if you were like the 99% of Argentines who earn in pesos... does not do much to stimulate demand or economies of scale to keep prices low.