Could of agreed with this picture but then Crazy Uncle Paul had to be in it. There's real libertarians and fake ones, Paul is the later.
As for the speech it wasn't bad, but it was a speech - only words. I disagree with Obama on a lot, economics, the environment, spying on people, Heritage Care instead of Single Payer, etc, but I won't blame him for the inaction. A large part of the country (the former confederacy and flyover states) don't want what he has to sell and inturn the teabaggers and republicans reflect the will of their constituents. I agree with him that 40-50 votes to repeal a law I don't even fully like is rediculous though and that minimum wages and pay disparities need to be raised and eliminated but again, you have entrenched old Bible Belt white guys that think a woman's place is in the kitchen so you're not going to win there.
All in all a good performance, but call me a synic, the only action that will come from this is executive orders, terrible compromises that screw the average American and poor and finally an NSA "overhaul" that will be window dressing.
P.S. I was REALLY hoping we could go to a page two without the argument going ad-Hitlerum but this is BA Expats...