Obra social vs prepaga

As monotributista even if you enroll in the lowest income bracket you are eligible. All monotributistas pay the same fixed sum towards obra social.
Eligible is a wrong concept. It means you can be chosen or rejected. In Argentina you are entitle to it because is a right.
Eligible is a wrong concept. It means you can be chosen or rejected. In Argentina you are entitle to it because is a right.
Some of monotributo components are optional, that is why I used the term eligible. In certain situations, such as when a person has a registered job, but enrolls as monotributista to be able to run a different activity and invoice. Also, when you are formally retired, you can still work under monotributo and there are certain items you do not have to pay.
What is the minimum income one would need to be able to qualify for Obra Social as a Monotributo? I see in the AFIP Category A that Ingresos Brutos is $466.201 and Alquileres Devengados Anualmente is $133.455. Does that mean that the $133.455 is the minimum tax payment to be eligible? For example if I teach english but only make $10.000 pesos per month, can I still get Obra Social? Thanks everyone!
1/3 of your monotributo is for the obra social. Choose a good one.