Options - extended 90 days and plan to overstay 180


Aug 22, 2024
Hi all, was wondering if I can pick collective brains here. I realise that I did not do myself any favours when I went to Migraciones to extend my 90 days in June, as there is now a file and record. It was extended without a hitch. On the one hand, complying with requirements, on the other hand - shooting myself in the foot. But what is done is done, so let's not waste time with "you shouldn't have done that".
180 days will run out at end of September, I arrived at end of March. Setting up a life here. Contract for apartment here is for one year. I'm a UK citizen. I am getting documents together to apply for rentista visa as my apartment in London is rented out, I can prove ownership and have rental contract; the amount of rent meets the requirements, and I would be able to show all the necessary amounts, including the chain of money, and the 5xsalarios minimo vital y movil etc - bringing it into Argentina.
I am aware that there is no guarantee of success of my application, even if all the documents and finances are in order, but still would like to try.
What are my options, if any, or am I just royally screwed all around?
- if apply for rentista, do it BEFORE 180 days expire, or that will guarantee refusal?
- let 180 days run out and then apply?
- not apply for anything for a while? ( realise may not get advise on this on a public forum)
I'm not enteratining the option of leaving the country for 180 days as I have nowhere to go and am legally obligated to pay rent here by the contract that I have signed.
Any thoughts?
On a 90 day tourist visa? Unlikely. You are leaving a lot out
no, I'm not; this happens (contract for apartment) quite often; I don't understand why you want to know about the apartment :) as opposed to give your thoughts, if any, on my situation.
no, I'm not; this happens (contract for apartment) quite often; I don't understand why you want to know about the apartment :) as opposed to give your thoughts, if any, on my situation.

It's just that you can't get a 1 year contract on a tourist visa without personal contacts. So when you insisted so vehemently you have no contacts and got it through "Normal" means I was curious what exactly you meant
It's just that you can't get a 1 year contract on a tourist visa without personal contacts. So when you insisted so vehemently you have no contacts and got it through "Normal" means I was curious what exactly you meant
I am still here on tourist status (overstayed at that) and I didn't have any issue regarding my visa status when renting. The garantia or seguro de caucion on the other hand I did have landlords ask about, but if you actually live here you should be able to manage finding an apartment without an issue.
To jump back to the original question, I wasn't counting my 180 days (I also went to Migraciones and extended) but I probably just snuck in under the wire. If you can get it in before, that's probably better? But my attorney didn't advise me against submitting before or after the 180 mark, it didn't seem to matter.

Also, to feed the fire of the rental question, I was able to get a landlord to agree to rent an apartment for one year (found the apt through Zonaprop) while on a tourist visa, around the same time as we were submitting our temporary residence docs.