HenryNisental Registered Joined Oct 23, 2009 Messages 1,114 Likes 656 Aug 31, 2014 #71 Mr Menem did not run for a third term immediately, but after Mr De la Rua was elected and stayed for about three years in power (until 2001)
Mr Menem did not run for a third term immediately, but after Mr De la Rua was elected and stayed for about three years in power (until 2001)
D dennisr Registered Joined Nov 23, 2008 Messages 1,648 Likes 1,299 Aug 31, 2014 #72 Does not look good, loose the one lifeline AR has: China. http://www.cronista.com/economiapolitica/Kicillof-viajo-a-China-para-impedir-que-se-frenen-los-creditos-tras-el-default-20140831-0001.html
Does not look good, loose the one lifeline AR has: China. http://www.cronista.com/economiapolitica/Kicillof-viajo-a-China-para-impedir-que-se-frenen-los-creditos-tras-el-default-20140831-0001.html