Paco - a growing problem - as reported in today's Guardian/Observer

it's even cheaper than 10p a hit and you'll last about 3 months once you get on it.
Its a very sad article and I thank Diosa for posting this link . I have seen documentaries that show that is not just a problem of the slums . I do not know how they will battle this problem as its so large and growing and there seems very little resources to combat this scourge.
diosaarenosa said:

I had a sad experience 2 days ago. I go feed the homeless and the cartoneros Monday nights with Loreto church. It is called "Charity Night". After a while you get to know the homeless by name. Well monday night we see this homeless guy, he is probably 24. We call him up from across the street and we realized he is either doped or doped and drunk, so we served him any drink and prepared a couple of sandwiches to take off immediately. So the guy gets close to take his food and doesn''t want chocolate milk but demands broth. We say we didn't have any left although we did because we wanted out fast. Well, he got very agressive started insulting us really bad while we fled the scene as fast as we could, all while he grabbed a huge piece of wood to throw it at our heads. Thank God he was to unstable to chase us or I wouldn't be writing right now. Surely he was on paco. Wether or not we will mention his attack on us next Monday I don't know, but what I do know is that should he be sober next time he will greet us happily remembering nothing of the sad affair...
Its very interesting how Uk need to show only the bad part from here, its the way of england to operate, when they are doing the things that they usually do.They need to create conscience to their people.....
desesperate from energy , and running like rats to take the no renovable richs of others countries.
rob_en_baires said:
desesperate from energy , and running like rats to take the no renovable richs of others countries.

en mi opinion es un buen articulo, habla de un tema duro - whichever way you dress it up. forma parte de una realidad de lo que esta ocurriendo en argentina, aunque lo quieras ocultar. me parece que el periodista lo escribio de una manera informativa y sin exajerar los hechos.

yo soy anglo argentina, de madre argentina y padre ingles. ADORO a este pais, siento un orgullo inmenso por mi parte argentina y esta vez me vine con los papeles para sacar la residencia y quedarme. me pregunto si los comentarios que haces los hiciste gracias a experiencia de haber estado un tiempo extendido en inglaterra, si hablaste con los ingleses y viste como se hacen las cosas alla. es notable la cantidad de ingleses que vienen de turistas a argentina y se enamoran con el pais y la gente, muchos elijen quedarse.

the last comment reads like a dig, i'm sure in light of the recent malvinas furore - maybe it would be best to look at one's own back yard and try and fight for more transparency in local government policies and for a reduction in the levels of corruption and bureaucracy here rather than make sweeping statements about the UK and their people as a whole based on what would appear to be questionable personal experience.
Yes, paco is a dramatic situation here, but as I know paco is the same thing sold as crack. Just different name.
ppab said:
Yes, paco is a dramatic situation here, but as I know paco is the same thing sold as crack. Just different name.
Not the same.
What is the difference between paco and crack? I need to be sure of buying the right drug....;)