Paraguay Versus Argentina As An Expat Destination?

I'd say that Chile is not "socialist" at all. It might be more market oriented than the US, actually.

oh, but Chile has mandatory universal health care.
it has gun ownership laws stricter than the USA.
government mandated pension plans.
a state owned copper industry.
a 40% top rate on individual income taxes.

All of these things are considered to be practically communist by my friends who are considering fleeing the USA, since that Socialist Obama has steered us into Marxism.
And all of these things are considerably to the "left" of current US equivalents.
SteveinBS. There are several articles on my web site about Paraguay written by people already there. Also there is a web site run by a friend of mine that is where you could get information. Glen is one of the expats who live there. He left Uruguay after seven years for Paraguay. I have a number of subscribers there who stay in touch with FFJ and all like it so far. One is building a ranch--he works in the oil fields of Africa but comes to Paraguay regularly to spend time with his Paraguayan wife and children. He wanted to settle in Uruguay but deferred to her since her family is in Paraguay. Also several other expats there stay in touch via email, in fact, there is a small article by one of them in my last newsletter.

And yes ElQueso is very familiar with Paraguay. His wife is Paraguayan. It sounds like kind of a Wild West of South America but people tell me they like it because they leave you alone there--if that matters to you. Also Glen has sent me photos that are quite pretty. There is also a regular expat meeting there if you ever decide to visit. Information is on the TotalParaguay web forum or on my web site. You can usually find out a lot from people who already live there. I will soon be in Chile for a few months and then plan to spend some time in Paraguay as well. No not planning to move there, just investigate and write about i t.
I was thinking about a vacation in Paraguay, then a friend who lived there talked of Dengue being epidemic there now....I did a web search, and 130,000 cases were reported this year, with aprox 500 deaths......
I was thinking about a vacation in Paraguay, then a friend who lived there talked of Dengue being epidemic there now....I did a web search, and 130,000 cases were reported this year, with aprox 500 deaths......

Considering that the total population is almost 7 million people, it does not seem too bad.
.. and possibly, more business opportunities: