Paul Frampton Article

My father once gave me sage advice.

"Son, with the big decisions in life ... make sure you are thinking with the big head."
Thanks for sharing. He's lucky it happened to him in Argentina, which has more sane drug laws than say Thailand or a muslim country where he could've been executed. Just a few years of house arrest, he got off easy.

Even if he was scammed into believing this woman was real, the text messages show that at some point he was aware of what he was doing.
Did you all read the text messages? Come on! I tend more to believe he is indeed a narcissist who thought he could out smart everyone with his 'absent minded professor' routine. And how do you get to be a tenured professor of his age and have no savings? Perhaps he has a substance habit as well. He's lucky he got caught here where they treat drug crimes in a more reasonable fashion and not in Asia or the U.S.