People Who Are Free During The Day

Lot of free time here as well, would be nice to go around the city, walk some parks or have coffee
Hi there, new to BA people, welcome to BA. If you are free Wednesday, stop by our coffee chat at Libros del Pasaje. Details are at the link below:

Welcome to BA. Here's the latest coffee chat link:
How long is your bf away?
Hi ! I would also love to join in. What will be the exact location and at what time?
Hope to see all of you soon!
Someone had suggested Cocu, I will suggest Ninina Bakery, which is very close by, but I think their menu is more varied. Gorriti 4738, Buenos Aires (Gorriti and Malabia.) Are you guys cool with an earlier lunch, tipo 12:30?
I just looked at Ninina Bakery's menu and it looks really good. I am down with going there for lunch. 12:30 works for me.