Per/res Leaving What Happens With Pesos


Aug 11, 2012
I will be leaving soon,have per/res,have a few pesos in the bank.silly place to keep them or anything.Can I change them to usd at official rate with afips blessing?anyone got any experience
with this dilemma?I would probably have to spend hours in afip to get the wrong info,so if I can
get an idea of what happens would be a good move.cheers.
I'm not aware that you can buy USD officially any more, but I may be wrong.
The only way you could change them at the official rate would be with if you are a resident, are traveling to the US for vacation and have approval from AFIP (having gone through the entire approval process) for some small amount to cover your vacation expenses. And then even if you have all that, you have to wait until a day or two before your flight to change and hope for the best. So basically, no, you won't be able to change them at the official rate.

Go buy some gifts. Or change on the blue market. Those are your only options.
AFIP´s blessings? That´s a new and foreign concept!

If you have permanent residence I guess they will demand you prove it if you´re leaving the country for good. Otherwise, you´re just the rest of us suckers that are fortunate enough to get maybe U$D 19 per diem if we go far enough.
It´s been mentioned that IF they allow you to change any amount of currency, this can only happen 48hs before your departure. The bank will then give you the runaround; systems down, the planets are not properly aligned, not predicted by Mayan astrologists-mathematicians, should have told us beforehand we just sold our last dollars, no can do.

Remember to not to eat before goiing to the AFIP, shave your legs and wear pink lace undies. Good luck.
Thanks folks,I feel much better now.can look in to other dastardly schemes and cunning plans to effect me escape from
the madhouse that this country is rapidly declining into.Drive a few head of cattle over the border and flog em the the Paraguayas
Buy a cat book it on the plane insert diamonds up its rectum just before take off,or a german sausage dog with one of them long
balloons full of an illicit substance!!there can be ways?
Or, you can buy a couple of truckloads of Dulce de Leche to take with you (in the event that you haven't had enough already). :(
I've found that people really like these belts:


There are varying qualities, but if you buy about 5 to 10 en efectivo, you might be able to get a good deal and make a lot of friends happy with late Christmas gifts.
Napo,bit limited for weight restrictions,every little adds up.ta anyway
Why don't you just have a mega party with friends and go out with a bang?
I would.