Peronists do surprisingly well in provincial elections

i definitely don't like the look of this either. however...are the candidates allowed to run or not? obviously the peronists believe so, but every comment i see of them blames macri. why aren't they clearly arguing why they believe they are eligible?
i definitely don't like the look of this either. however...are the candidates allowed to run or not? obviously the peronists believe so, but every comment i see of them blames macri. why aren't they clearly arguing why they believe they are eligible?

Well, to take one of the cases, the San Juan Constitution says: "The Governor and the Lieutenant Governor last four years in the exercise of their functions and can be consecutively re-elected up to two times." The candidate for governor there, Uñac, was Lieutenant Governor once, and Governor for two terms, he's saying that in accordance with the provincial constitution, he can be re-elected as Governor a second time, for a third term as governor. It's at the least a plausible interpretation of the provincial constitution.

In 2019 Justice Rosenkrantz took the position that "That the national Court had no business poking its nose into how local courts interpreted their own Constitution, unless the local body's decision could not be supported by any possible interpretation". Now, he's, ahem, changed his mind on the subject, apparently, and believes the exact opposite. I shudder to think how courts here can apply precedent with the trail of misconduct left by people like him.

Macri comes into it because he appointed the justices by decree, and nobody believes that gifts like that don't come with strings attached.
First all all, Macri did TRIED to place the two judges but failed. He then used the constitucional process, proposed them, they were voted and aproved by the Arg Congress. Period. Pls do not parrot the gov lines without looking at the facts.
Second, the Peronist Party ALWAYS won in La Rioja , it is a feud just like many of the Arg provinces. There, 80 % of the working adult population work in a Federal, Provincial or municipal job. It is almost a comunist state.Misiones is identical, as are Formosa, El Chaco, etc.
And third, the Supreme Court did acted in a similar case in the province of Rio Negro a few years back, vetoing the outgoing governor
for a third term. Period.
Well, to take one of the cases, the San Juan Constitution says: "The Governor and the Lieutenant Governor last four years in the exercise of their functions and can be consecutively re-elected up to two times." The candidate for governor there, Uñac, was Lieutenant Governor once, and Governor for two terms, he's saying that in accordance with the provincial constitution, he can be re-elected as Governor a second time, for a third term as governor. It's at the least a plausible interpretation of the provincial constitution.

2 doesn't equal 3, how is that a plausible interpretation? he was two terms as governor, is he trying to say one of those he was not elected?
2 doesn't equal 3, how is that a plausible interpretation? he was two terms as governor, is he trying to say one of those he was not elected?
No, they key word is "re-elected". He was elected as governor once, then re-elected as governor once, his claim is that, as a possible interpretation of the provincial constitution would permit, that he can be re-elected as governor a second time.

The counter-claim is that since he was lieutenant governor immediately before becoming governor, he's somehow been re-elected twice already and doesn't get another turn. Whatever the merits of the claim and counter-claim, they're both possible interpretations of the provincial constitution, and, as such, should be sorted out by the province and its courts. The federal court doesn't get to stick its nose in (according to Rosenkrantz 2019, though not according to Rosenkrantz 2023). As I said, good luck establishing precedent with these clowns.
First all all, Macri did TRIED to place the two judges but failed. He then used the constitucional process, proposed them, they were voted and aproved by the Arg Congress. Period. Pls do not parrot the gov lines without looking at the facts.
Second, the Peronist Party ALWAYS won in La Rioja , it is a feud just like many of the Arg provinces. There, 80 % of the working adult population work in a Federal, Provincial or municipal job. It is almost a comunist state.Misiones is identical, as are Formosa, El Chaco, etc.
And third, the Supreme Court did acted in a similar case in the province of Rio Negro a few years back, vetoing the outgoing governor
for a third term. Period.

So you're saying the decree appointing the two judges didn't happen? It was only an attempted decree? How does that work?

The fact that Macri was later forced to clean up his own poo doesn't in any way invalidate the claim that the judges were gifted their positions, and that they owe their patron big time. It's payback time now ;)

Regarding your second point, as the article I quoted makes clear, we don't have to like the fact that La Rioja is a one-party province, or that it resembles a communist state. It seems to upset you, but that's irrelevant, it's about what the provincial constitution says, and even if it's ambiguous, and permits more than one interpretation, according to Rosenkrantz 2019 the federal court doesn't get to stick its nose in. Period.

For your third point, I believe the article I quoted references the case you mentioned in Rio Negro. It's heavy going, as usual in Argentinian journalism the author goes around in circles before getting to his point, but you could do worse than to read it. Hint: it's not about the merits of the claims made by the parties.
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