Personal Trainer For A Month


Nov 12, 2014

Since I'm going to be in BA for around 1 month (maybe more depending on my experience), and I will have plenty of free time, I figured why not do something healthy and fit? I would like to hire a personal trainer (gender not important but prefer woman) for maybe 3 times a week. I'm in very good shape (proportional and not fat) but I'd like to TONE more than anything. Nothing too drastic just some more definition.

A- any recommendations ? Preferably Palermo or recoleta areas.
B- will I need to subscribe to a gym? Or do trainer have their own space ?
C- cost per hour.

Garcias a todos
You can't achieve any real results in one month and any trainer who tells you that you can is lying. You have to find out what works for you and that will take time.

My recommendation for your aims: do paleo or pastoral diet, which is not difficult here. Do intermittent fasting (look this up). Do resistance training 2-3 times a week, and another 2-3 times alternate days with HIIT with LISS cardio (look these up). Do the latter fasted, but HIIT not fasted. Stay away from long distance running, mid-range cardio for extended periods, and refined carbs/sugar.

You would probably need a friend or trainer to show you a proper resistance training routine (though you could find something online too if you stay away from squats and such). But in the US when I see trainers they are mostly clueless. It is unlikely you will find a good one in a month and also begin to see results.

In general you should continue a routine for about 6 weeks before you see if it's working.
Samra 2,

you are coming here only for a month?? I thought you would probably settle down here.


If you are going to stay in a temporary rental apartment, look for a building with a good gym and and first 2-3 days stay in a hostel. come and check the apartment and gym and then you take it.

or you could stay in a hostel and subscribe to a public gym...Lot of gyms of different standards and pricing avbl.

When are you going to be in BsAs? I'll be hitting the gym there in February and some of March. Join me!
Thank you polostar! I will look those up and follow your advice. Do I need to do the diet? I mean my body is in great shape but not toned. Is the diet necessary or just training could work?

Ceviche, yes I was aiming to settle but then I heard it's not as fabulous to live there as it is to always know ur leaving and then come back when u miss it.. So I decided to give myself a month to test the waters. I was thinking to use airbnb to book a studio. I think I'm pas hostels at this stage :)
January is vacation time here - I'm not sure if it will be easier or more difficult to find a trainer. Schedules may open up, but the trainers themselves may go on vacation too.

The related costs depend on the trainer and what type of exercise you decide to do - some come to your house or you go to their studio, but most are affiliated with some gym and you'll have to have a gym membership. There's also the option to meet and do exercise outdoors. The gyms I've been to have monthly memberships, so that shouldn't be an issue.
I heard it's not as fabulous to live there as it is to always know ur leaving and then come back when u miss it.. So I decided to give myself a month to test the waters.

True. I made several short trips here ; for a vacation before I decided to settle down here. But I think 1 month is too short. You should plan at least a 2 month trip to get a better perspective.

By the way, if you will be applying for a tourist visa to come here ; Argentine embassy in Asian and African countries can be a bit tricky and not so forthcoming. Especially, if they notice you are going repeatedly to Argentina for " tourism", they tend to question your motives and try to deny you the visa .

On that note, did you get your ARgie tourist visa as yet?
By the way, if you will be applying for a tourist visa to come here ; Argentine embassy in Asian and African countries can be a bit tricky and not so forthcoming. Especially, if they notice you are going repeatedly to Argentina for " tourism", they tend to question your motives and try to deny you the visa .

On that note, did you get your ARgie tourist visa as yet?

That's spot on.
I've applied over a month ago and still haven't heard!! Imagine. But it's my first time applying so it should be okay..

Regarding the time spent there, I will see how I feel about it and then extend if I want.
What a single girl, with new bikinis & a body in great shape (but not toned) needs is a pool.

This pic is from the past years (I emptied the pool & started cleaning it, not finished/repainted yet). And I use fresh water with no clorine.

Likely my last summer in Bs As before I move to another province so the expat lunches (only Congolese citizens won't be invited :p) I mentioned a few times (used to organize them in 2011/2012 but worked non stop since), might become again a reality soon.

I also have my own vegetable garden, miam miam
