Pescaderia en Palermo SoHo??

A&A said:
That doesn't sound good. LOL. Thanks for the suggestions, I will check them out.

:D No, the fish is really super fresh, the smell comes from the restaurant inside (lots of frying)
I think I saw a new Pescaderia in Palermo that looks super clean on hmm, I think Malabia or Armenia at Cabrera. Has anyone tried it? Prices?
There is a market every Saturday morning at Plaza Armenia, with a fish stand included.
The new one on Niceto Vega y Armenia is great!! There prices are the same as barrio chino and their selection comes directly from the South. I've seen lots of- fresh lenguado, mero, salmon blanco y rosado, pulpo. There is also a freezer with loads of shellfish, I haven't tried any of those yet. The service is really good however they're not the best at cleaning the fish. I've found bones in almost of my filets that I've purchased from there even though they guarantee me it's bone free. Still, totally a good spot!
Ostramar is my usual place - it's a couple blocks from where I live. And it's pretty good for Buenos Aires.

Anyone know a market that leaves the fish intact so you can see how fresh it is? Every market I know, including Ostramar, sells mostly filets and pre-cut sections. I'm more comfortable selecting a fish based on its eyes and the gills, and then letting them skin/cut/filet it.