I have three groups of dogs :
- My dogs "family" : mine, miens, meinen, whatever!
- Occasional dogs I take to my house to find a new family for them (was recently a beagle which has now found a new home)
- The street dogs (perros de todos, perros de nadie) : feeding actually like 15 of them.
--> I'm in-between one and two tons of dog food buys in one year (lol).
Back to the street dogs : if you want a dog, consider asking me, I have plenty to offer (they won't mind having a new "owner" believe me - hate this word in this context).
Right now, I can propose :
- A mix of a German sheperd (female), about 6/7 years old, with a starting displasy (quite common on German sheperds but obviously in 3/4 years she'll have difficulties walking = that's honest to tell). On the good side, I know her very well = she's utterly sweet & stable (submissive with humans but without being frightened, obviously though she's been hit by human hands = lowers her head if you raise your hand to caress her). She's submissive too with males but quite territorial with females. All in all = a very stable & balanced German sheperd mix, with a very stable personality (that's important) & seeking contacts with humans (good too) & who would get killed to protect you if you protect her (and she's already grown-up & quite smart = no training needed for her to protect you)....
This dog sleeps near the security booth of my "gated community" (funny name) and she starts crossing RN8 right in front (She'll end up killed by a car within 3 months. I can't take her).
- Puppies of a weird origin (they'll find a family, they're puppies)
- A couple of dogs (they always are together) : a male similar to an Akita (very dominant with males but very submissive with humans) + his girlfriend who is a small black dog with prognatis.
- A female dog about 4 years old, a monument of sweetness but so shy she's afraid of everything (other dogs easily steal her food furthermore).
Etc. etc. !
If anyone is interested, I can bring the dog(s) anywhere in Capital and if it does not work after one week, I can take it/them back. (I can post pics too).