Physical and Psychological Testing for Job- Questions!

Vagrant Violet

Oct 4, 2009
Hi, everyone!

I recently had an interview in a bilingual school, and will have another follow-up interview very soon. Human Resources informed me that part of the hiring process if I am selected involves a physical and psychological test. I have a few concerns about both:

In regards to the psychological test, I have heard from a few people that they may analyze my handwriting, have me draw a picture and explain it, ask me what I would be if I were not human, who knows what else. Personally, I think that it is complete and utter BS- I would hate to lose the position simply because of my sloppy handwriting or saying something that was perceived as "negative" or "abnormal." Has anyone else had experience with this? Any tips or advice?

Moreover, I know that the physical test involves a blood and urine analysis. I´ve never touched an illegal drug in my life, but I am currently taking 2 anti-depressants. I don´t know if this could show up on the test, and if so, if they would have a problem with it. Does anyone know?

If anyone has undergone these types of tests, please let me know what I might expect! Thanks a million!
Lauren23 said:
Hi, everyone!

I recently had an interview in a bilingual school, and will have another follow-up interview very soon. Human Resources informed me that part of the hiring process if I am selected involves a physical and psychological test. I have a few concerns about both:

In regards to the psychological test, I have heard from a few people that they may analyze my handwriting, have me draw a picture and explain it, ask me what I would be if I were not human, who knows what else. Personally, I think that it is complete and utter BS- I would hate to lose the position simply because of my sloppy handwriting or saying something that was perceived as "negative" or "abnormal." Has anyone else had experience with this? Any tips or advice?

Moreover, I know that the physical test involves a blood and urine analysis. I´ve never touched an illegal drug in my life, but I am currently taking 2 anti-depressants. I don´t know if this could show up on the test, and if so, if they would have a problem with it. Does anyone know?

If anyone has undergone these types of tests, please let me know what I might expect! Thanks a million!

I've had what they call the "examen preocupacional" which is the official name for the pre-employment physical. The physical is fairly standard, but they do require a full thorax / chest x-ray and bloodwork. The doctor who examined me did a couple of weird things though, he took a small flashlight and looked between all my toes with it and then he spread my butt cheeks and looked in between with the flashlight. I was stunned and it reminded me of years ago when I thought of joining the army and they did a few weird things to my body during an examination. The psychological part is an interview, plus an ink blot test, and a short written exam. I must have passed because I got hired and never heard anything about it. Good Luck!
Davidglen77 said:
...he took a small flashlight and looked between all my toes with it and then he spread my butt cheeks and looked in between with the flashlight...

Some IV drug users have been known to shoot-up between their toes to avoid being detected as obvious drug users with the usual tracks running up their bare arms.
The butt thing?!?!:eek: It's at that point ya had to stop him and say "not without buying me dinner first loverboy!!!":p

These tests are standard, the annoying inane test is the psych test, with the drawings and waste of time.
I happen to be organizational psychologist and agree with your comments on the validity of the psych assessments (as they are described above). I don't have any tips on how to pass but I hear that if you google the topic you'll get a lot information on what an evaluator will assess, especially on the handwriting piece.
NickF said:
I happen to be organizational psychologist and agree with your comments on the validity of the psych assessments (as they are described above). I don't have any tips on how to pass but I hear that if you google the topic you'll get a lot information on what an evaluator will assess, especially on the handwriting piece.

Sometimes the evaluator IS the problem.
I've seen many student interns doling out these examinations. That's where I instantly get a bad feeling about the process. You sometimes get some eager young psych student trying to prove themselves, and dishing out evaluations based on the little bit of knowledge they've acquired in their studies. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing especially when you are talking about something as important as a persons mental state in a volatile jobs market.
If they aren't already nuts, they'd probably go nuts doing all these exams :p.
gpop said:
Some IV drug users have been known to shoot-up between their toes to avoid being detected as obvious drug users with the usual tracks running up their bare arms.
The butt thing?!?!:eek: It's at that point ya had to stop him and say "not without buying me dinner first loverboy!!!":p

I wasn't going to ask for dinner while he had my butt cheeks spread open and the light shining in, the doctor looked like Mr. Magoo!

Lauren23, I had to get the same tests done when I started working for a bilingual school. First let me tell you that it was nothing like what Davidglen77 described (ouch!) ... I believe that the tests are different for each job position or description.

The physical test, if I remember correctly, is just like going for a checkup with your own doctor ... no flashlights!:eek:

The psychological test is exactly what you said: they make you draw something, don't remember if they made me explain it afterwards though .... you do talk to a psychologist after. They also gave me some figures to copy, like weird squares and designs, and I think it was timed.

Don't worry about it too much though, it is BS ... I asked my employer about it after (who's a friend of mine) and he kind of just laughed and said yea it's a bit ridiculous but not really up to him.
I was always suspicious of the butt exam, however this was about 5 years ago when I first arrived to Argentina and didn't complain because I thought it was just standard protocol. Now you are making it seem like they did something out of line.......I feel violated!