
Caribbean Cool

Jul 19, 2019
I don't see any newer information on Pilates on the form. I need a nice place preferably in Recoleta and for this, I need an English-speaking instructor. (those who know me are NOT welcome to laugh about this) Thanks.
I don't see any newer information on Pilates on the form. I need a nice place preferably in Recoleta and for this, I need an English-speaking instructor. (those who know me are NOT welcome to laugh about this) Thanks.

Check a place on Arenales between Azcuenaga and Uriburu. Small place mostly Ladies, English instructor ? don't know . Check
You got a chuckle out of me. Why don't you use Goggle and find the locations yourself? It works. There are many Pilates studios in the city.
Hi, I’m a yoga instructor from the US & teach YogaLates, workout that combines both, the stretch of yoga & the core building strength of pilates mat. Not sure if you are looking for group or private classes, I just teach privates, go to Recoleta 2 x week. Xo! IG @yogathelight
Hi, I’m a yoga instructor from the US & teach YogaLates, workout that combines both, the stretch of yoga & the core building strength of pilates mat. Not sure if you are looking for group or private classes, I just teach privates, go to Recoleta 2 x week. Xo! IG @yogathelight
interesting-pls send me more info [email protected] thanks
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