place for halloween costumes


Mar 7, 2008
Hi all,

Any recs for a place that sells halloween costume stuff? wigs, costumes, etc? nothing high-end, just some basics..

Get thee to Once! The area is filled with "Cotillon" stores which sell all manner of costumes, wigs, accessories, crappy jewelry, and decorations. The main street is Lavalle, so if you take Subte B for instance and get off at Pasteur and walk a block to Lavalle you'll see what you're looking for.

My lady-friend Camila studies industrial design but she loves to do terror make-up, special effects, and the like. She does it just for fun and experience, and she'd be glad to have to some subjects to experiment with!
I can set any of you up, it's quiet fun and enhancing to the Halloween experience :D
for costumes, yeah ONCE, but also I've seen a small store in Juncal in between Araoz and J.Alavarez.
EliA said:
Get thee to Once! The area is filled with "Cotillon" stores which sell all manner of costumes, wigs, accessories, crappy jewelry, and decorations. The main street is Lavalle, so if you take Subte B for instance and get off at Pasteur and walk a block to Lavalle you'll see what you're looking for.


This is absolutely true. On the east side (not that anyone knows what "East" means in this city), there is a smaller Disfraces store at about Lavalle 2070 (just a two buildings from the putaria at 2050... check the papelitos). And then the stores run "West" (or "UP" if you look at the street addresses) at least to the 2300 block and maybe all the way up to Pueyrredon (~2600).

In between there are tons of fabic stores and some bead stores, but there is all the crapo that you will need for a low end costume. Or for a wedding. Or for whatever carnival type thing you are looking for.

That could be really fun with the makeup thing... PM me if she want's to do it.

Matt84 said:
My lady-friend Camila studies industrial design but she loves to do terror make-up, special effects, and the like. She does it just for fun and experience, and she'd be glad to have to some subjects to experiment with!

Like this? Better?


I'm going as a pirate this year.
-Leather pants [check]
-Fluffy white shirt [semi-check]
-Silver chain with spinning Playboy medallion [check]
-Chest hair [check]
-Excuse to wear eyeliner, mascara, & eye shadow [check]
-Earring [NO check... haven't decided about this]


There is a pretty good Thrift Store (Ferria Americana) called "JUAN PEREZ" on Marcelo T. Alvear (1441) between Uruguay & Paraná.


It's the biggest and best one that I know of in Buenos Aires... though I don't know of many.