Planning on moving abroad to Argentina with boyfriend

I hope you make sure that you'll finish your law degree and any articling where you are now living first!!!!!! These are what need your attention first and most. One doesn't just 'get' a law degree. The worst that could happen is that you could lose the investment you've made in these should your bf bring forward the date on which he wants to move to Argentina for, in his view, any number of compelling reasons. Eg, he finished his education before you did yours so he could want to go sooner, before you're ready and in a solid position to relocate.

Are you willing to do the Bar in Argentina? What are your plans for yourself working once you complete Bar exams here? Have you contacted the governing Argentine law society and asked it what educational hoops you'll have to satisfy there to qualify as a practicing lawyer in Argentina?

If you go to Argentina 2 years from now, what are your work plans there for yourself? Have you spoken with lawyers there, eg.?

Find out also how beneficial a foreign degree in Envronmental Law will be for your career in Argentina 2-3 years from now. Is that what Argentina will need?

Think very carefully about going to Argentina as an alternative partly because, practically speaking, you can't find 40K to do a post-grad degree where you are now!! Not having enough money is a very persuasive reason to opt for another place, but well, I say 'watch out' for looking at an alternative that is ONLY more affordable. This is a tough and very important call within your life, one that you alone will be responsible for having made for the length of your working life. Because a decision that you make that interrupts the goal of your education will have lifelong consequences.

I wish you the best decision you can make for the rest of your working life. You need to search much farther for practical info than a forum to answer most of your questions. Asking this forum for answers is just a start!

I'd hate to see anyone end up in any country unable to support himself and unable to apply his/her hard-earned academic work to any compatible avail. We live in tough times for students with dreams -academic and/or romantic - everywhere. Falling for someone is great but it's still just one part.

I say these things as a lawyer and a lifelong traveller who packed my first smalll suitcase at age 4 to leave home on my own with immense confidence to travel 1800 miles on my own. I was just aching to see the wider world even then. I'm not some stick-in-the-mud. But I nonetheless regard the hard decision you're trying to make as premature rigt now. "Think of your longtern future" is my best advice. Leave the health insurance and racial equality realities until later after you have secured your academic goals. Stay focussed on what you're needing to excel at right now.