Plastic Bags Banned From 1St Jan

So I actually went to Coto for the first time since this started. (We normally do our shopping at Vital or at a nearby chino).

Bags are still there, but rather than being past the counter, where you normally bag your stuff, they were hanging on a column in front of the counter. When the lady behind me asked about bags, the clerk motioned to where they were hanging and indicated that she could take one if she wanted.

So basically the chains - or at least Coto - is interpreting the regulation as to refer to being served the bags, by the clerk, at the counter - so they're resorting to placing the bags as close as posible to the counter, while maintaining the fiction that the customer is simply buying the bags as they would any other item.
As per usual, new laws get passed and Argentines all interpret them as they see fit.

I see this as having little to do with Argentines. It is very hard to change people's behavio(u)r by regulation alone.

I mean, stores sell plastic bags of all shapes and sizes. Sandwich bags, garbage bags, the works. What are you going to do? Make a new regulation prohibiting the sale of bags without packaging? Or that plastic bags must be sold a minimum of 10m from the counter?

Goods have a way of finding their way to consumers that want them. And the rollout of this thing was utterly hamfisted - no education or awareness campaign, no plan to provide people with viable alternatives like boxes or reusable bags. Just ban! and done. That's the Argentine part of this.
I wish they would just offer biodegradable bags...makes everyone happy.
It takes time, people will get used to carrying their own bags. There are very nice, strong bags that fold into nothing available. I always have 1 in my purse, T carries 1 in his pocket.
They have biodegradable plastic bags at some large grocery stores which they sell for $2