Poker Night?

Magis said:
We'll tell you what to do :p


Ok it wasn't that funny, but my message had to be at least 10 characters long.
I can do Wednesday. So how many people does that make us?
If Tez is in; our chips combined will easily be enough.
So Far:

JoeBlow (if he doesn't show, god help him!)

Awaiting word (pm sent) from:
sirjago (I think he confirmed for Thursday sort of..)
brandon (who started this thread but has been silent!??!)

Let us gogogo!
I'm in. Just sent Magis a PM. Glad there was such interest!
I like the idea of 1 chance to buy back in but think it should be for the full chip amount. It seems better than if you come back with a half stack while others have amassed a mountain. thoughts?
I prefer the rebuy to be something less than a full stack. Three reasons come to mind:

1) A rebuy for a full stack puts the person rebuying in the same position as somebody who is treading water. I think there should be some penalty for being knocked out earlier (on top of the money for the second buy-in).

2) A rebuy for a full stack gives people with less than a full-stack an added incentive to play crazy in the last ten minutes because being knocked out and rebuying for a full stack is advantageous to trying to win the tournament with a half-stack. The same argument can be made for a buy-in of a half-stack also, of course, but anybody playing with a quarter-stack probably is playing a little looser anyway at that point.

3) The more extra chips we add into the mix, the greater the chance that we are going to play into the wee hours of the morning. I'm not working, but that may be a problem for some people.

I tend not to favor rebuys at all, but I think a rebuy at a limited amount - something less than a whole stack - is a reasonable compromise.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I remain flexible.

On another topic, anybody else going to the ex-pat meet up tonight?
brandon said:
I'm in. Just sent Magis a PM. Glad there was such interest!
I like the idea of 1 chance to buy back in but think it should be for the full chip amount. It seems better than if you come back with a half stack while others have amassed a mountain. thoughts?

Glad you can come! It is unlikely someone (with the exception of me, obv) will have a mountain of chips 1.5 hrs into the event, however, poor play cannot be rewarded with FULL bailouts (what are we the US Gov't bailing out the big banks???) This will create MORAL HAZARD!!

Besides, it will be you with the mountain of chips :p

9pm Wednesday:
WE GOT GAME: Will PM Address Soon!

+ I bought 200 extra chips and a deck of cards but if someone has another they can bring to have 2 decks in play, that would be great!
Can also bring another deck of cards + bottle of wine and if feeling the luck maybe snacks!! Looking forward!

Got a full table, recruited 3 more at expat meetup tonight:
List is:
JoeBlow (if he doesn't show, god help him!)
brandon + friend?? (forget his name)
_____________________________________MAX CAPACITY!

9 Players if everyone shows up. BIG GAME!!!!
i think i'm the "+ friend" magis refers to in his post... was sitting at the head of the table next to brandon.

i think i can make it but will depend on work. let me know what's up this week and i'll do the same.
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