Police Camping In Garrisons, Free For All In 9 Provinces.

And this means what?

Median income in US is $2000/mo. 50% make less.

Just having to explain this to you shows that I'm wasting my time. You don't make a case for someone's salary in one country by quoting salary statistics from a different country.

And your source is? My sources show Median income in Argentina is $12400, which is about 5K+ pesos /mo at official rate

My source is the INDEC. My data was a bit out of date, but not much.

"...la mitad de las 16.084.000 personas ocupadas gana menos de $ 3.800 por mes."

For more details:

24 SEP 2013


La mitad de los trabajadores no llega a $ 3.800 - http://www.ieco.clar..._998900136.html

And by the way, that was very clever of you to question my source without providing any source of your own.
Just having to explain this to you shows that I'm wasting my time. You don't make a case for someone's salary in one country by quoting salary statistics from a different country.
Correct! I should have lobbed my question not to you but to KellRobinson who initially compared the Argentina police salary to someone living in the U.S.

I asked "this means what" because as you correctly point out you do not argue for a raise in Argentina by comparing your salary to those in the U.S.

I certainly wasn't trying to be clever by not quoting my source. I subscribe to the wisdom of the crowds. I consult the book of knowledge i.e. wikipedia for these types of things.


On the other hand, clearly you are not too clever as sourcing INDEC would seem to be a dangerous endeavor at best. Its currency i.e. believability loses its value daily.
In my modest opinion the looting has just started....!! wait for the holidays...!
I certainly wasn't trying to be clever by not quoting my source. I subscribe to the wisdom of the crowds. I consult the book of knowledge i.e. wikipedia for these types of things.


On the other hand, clearly you are not too clever as sourcing INDEC would seem to be a dangerous endeavor at best. Its currency i.e. believability loses its value daily.

Wikipedia the book of knowledge? That's the funniest thing I've heard in a very, very long time. I'd almost trust the INDEC over Widipedia.

You're never going to get absolutely accurate salary numbers on Argentina, because the government controls the information, and the government lies.

However, by using the data from the INDEC, you can be sure that you're getting the most optimistic set of numbers possible, and you can make your own downward revision from there.

By the way, I really hope you're not trying -- with your link to article from The Economist -- to educate me (or anyone else around here) about the reliability of the INDEC. If so, you're badly underestimating your audience.
No wiki or sources needed. Its obvious 12,400 is not the median income here. Try halving it (at least). Anyhoo, I do remember reading an article in la nacion a cpl of months back that quoted the median household income in Palermo being less than that.