Pope Says: End Life Sentences; Progressive Prison Views

I believe the idea of selling off the art treasures and other Church property was put forth in the novel Shoes of the Fisherman. In theory it sounds good but it would be a one off gesture that would deprive the Church of long term revenues that are used to maintain the infrastructure which includes charitable works. I would also question the wisdom of breaking up an historic cultural repository that is well preserved and totally accessible to the public. An integral part of the Italian patrimony. I doubt too that the art world would give its blessing to the sale of these art works, especially those that are an integral part of Saint Peter's Basilica. It's not as though the Catholic Church and its administrators are living like Donald Trump. I am curious as to why nothing is said about the wealth acquired by Islamic and other religious institutions and how it could be used.

I don't agree with any of your rhetoric statements, but All opinions should be respected B)
Maybe the pope knows what to do with the likes of Charley Manson et al.