Poverty in the USA Just How Bad?????

gsi16386 said:
A Poverty Stricken American is about as rare as finding a brotha at a KKK rally. After traveling throughout South America and having been raised in the US as an orphan, I have no sympathy for those in the US that think they're living in "poverty."

At least they're given the opportunity to make something of themselves...

This right here is everything that is wrong with a certain "mind think" in America. You've obviously never lived or seen the school curriculum in Bankhead, GA, certain parts of Watts and Compton, CA, and NE and SW quandrants in DC, or places in rural Louisiana. These are places that I have either been to and spent time in, and in some areas have family living there now.

Your last sentence is the most idiotic statement of your whole post and I'm sorry does nothing but grate me. There are very, very, very few opportunities in these areas and any opportunities that may exist certainly aren't abundant enough to lift a whole community out of poverty. Do you know how hard it is to break out of poverty--wait because you did it then everyone else should be able to right? Doesn't work like that. Have you ever volunteered, worked, or lived in a neighborhood where the kids try to go to school and "learn" with lice, various skin diseases such as boils, are malnourished, and then go home to a drunk/crack using mother, father's in prison, grandfather rapes his granddaughter, parents don't care if their child learns etc etc.....that was in the west side of Atlanta.

Yes poverty in the US is different and not as severe from the poverty in places such as the DR (also volunteered here) and Brazil but to sit here and minimize it and actually sit here and say that they "are given the opportunity to make something of themselves" is complete garbage!

My father is from the Morningside projects in South LA. By the grace of god he made it out because he was given one of the very few opportunities that were available to people like him in the late 60's. Most of his buddies were shipped off to Vietnam. Go to the Morningside projects sometime....day and night, and then try and tell me there are "ample" opportunities available. Simply insane.

Did you know that in LA county, the county requires the legal guardian or parent to reimburse the state for any time their juvenile child does in juvenile hall?! They have to pay room and board. Did you also know that any wage increase people that are living in projects get, at least in LA county, must report it --then their rent is adjusted "up" accordingly. Aren't these just novel ways to get people out of poverty?! Lets see impose debt on families for their child's mistakes and increase their rent so they're unable to save and leave the projects. Way to go LA! I don't doubt its much different across the country. Don't get me started on DC or Atlanta.

I commend you for making it today as an "orphan"....but not everyone can do that, especially in these times.
SaraSara said:
1) What's a US business owner doing in a BA expat forum?
2) As a right-wing IDEOLOGUE, (not idealog) your reasoning is as unclear as your spelling.
3) As to my "category", wrong again: I'm one of those "rich" who will see their taxes increased to pay for what you so originally call the "poor and lazy". Yet I support ending those tax cuts. Go figure....!:D
4) Please address my point about the 300 billion surplus inherited by Bush and turned into an 800 billion deficit in eight years, with the help of a Republican Congress.

1. I like Buenos Aires so I choose to live here. I manage by business from here and have clients in North/South America, EMEA, and APAC. It's a global economy :)

2. Thanks for the spell-check but I was writing in ebonics, no wat I sayin?

3. Don't know what to say, if you like giving away your money, great. But keep your dirty paws off of mine. Maybe try a charity? I do and I know it is actually used for something that does some good.

4. Of course, my bad. The "claim" of the massive "surplus" was made by Clinton himself, same guy that "didn't have sexual relations with that woman" (I like Clinton), that his administration had a surplus of $69 billion in FY1998, $123 billion in FY1999 and $230 billion in FY2000. Clinton also claimed that the national debt had been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years. BUT, no matter how you add it, $360 billion is not the sum of the alleged surpluses of the three years in question ($69B + $123B + $230B = $422B, not $360B).

Bush did not manage money well (better than Obama though) and I am certainly NOT defending Bush, though I do miss him sometimes. Still, it is kind of a joke, to say the very least to promote Clinton's record as having generated a surplus. It never happened. There was never a surplus and the cold hard facts support that statement. In fact, far from a $360 billion reduction in the national debt in FY1998-FY2000, there was an increase of $281 billion and so there is a gap in those numbers is 600 Billion Dollars! You can verify these figures by accessing the U.S. Treasury website where the national debt is updated daily and a history of the debt since January 1993 can be obtained.

There, addressed :)
jaredwb said:
2. Thanks for the spell-check but I was writing in ebonics, no wat I sayin?

3. Don't know what to say, if you like giving away your money, great. But keep your dirty paws off of mine.

First of all, nice to hear you like Buenos Aires.

Second, rest assured that your money is safe from my lily-white aristocratic hands. I wouldn't dream of going near idealogs capable of saying "off of", ebonics or not.

As for the rest of your post, I can only say that you sound like a true representative of those who elected Bush twice. So, please accept my thanks for the deficit, and the ensuing economic debacle. I look forward to a repeat performance if the tax cuts are perpetuated, and Rush Limbaugh's followers gain control of Congress.
SaraSara said:
First of all, nice to hear you like Buenos Aires.

Second, rest assured that your money is safe from my lily-white aristocratic hands. I wouldn't dream of going near ideolags capable of saying "off of", ebonics or not.

I figured you would attack anything except the actual argument...so...

"For most Americans, the natural thing to say is “Climb down off of that horse, Tex, with your hands in the air”; but many UK authorities urge that the “of” should be omitted as redundant. Where British English reigns you may want to omit the “of” as superfluous, but common usage in the US has rendered “off of” so standard as to generally pass unnoticed, though some American authorities also discourage it in formal writing. But if “onto” makes sense, so does “off of.”


Your command of different variations of English is dazzling: first you were talking ebonics, now you are talking common American English. Perhaps in your next post you'll be using the Swahili version of it. (That lovely "off of" would, "IN and OF itself", get one in trouble in any English Composition course).

IMO your so-called "arguments" are just talking points - the same tired, party-churned talking points used for years to confuse issues and hide unpalatable truths. They are best ignored as the background noise they are.

But please feel free to go on posting those bumper stickers, be it in ebonics, common English, pidgin, Palin English, or anything else that strikes your fancy. It's really creative.

And do have a nice day.
Jaredwb, your arguments about the benefits of reducing taxes for all including the rich have been debunked conclusively in the "More Obama Likes" thread, so why are you trying to reargue them here? Are you a troll just trying to rile up people for a kick.
Your facts are inaccurate and your economic positions are absurd (to make taxes optional was one of your real winners), but more remarkable is your unethical attitude about your fellow man and society in general. You need a serious psychological makeover.

p.s. I won't further reply to you and I urge others to do likewise.

p.p.s. For the facts evidencing the worsening condition in the US relative to distribution of wealth, unemployment and the budget deficient in the first decade of the the century please read the Brownstein article I posted above in this thread - the FACTS tell a sad story.
darmanad said:
Jaredwb, your arguments about the benefits of reducing taxes for all including the rich have been debunked conclusively in the "More Obama Likes" thread, so why are you trying to reargue them here? Are you a troll just trying to rile up people for a kick.
Your facts are inaccurate and your economic positions are absurd (to make taxes optional was one of your real winners), but more remarkable is your unethical attitude about your fellow man and society in general. You need a serious psychological makeover.

p.s. I won't further reply to you and I urge others to do likewise.

p.p.s. For the facts evidencing the worsening condition in the US relative to distribution of wealth, unemployment and the budget deficient in the first decade of the the century please read the Brownstein article I posted above in this thread - the FACTS tell a sad story.

What was "debunked" all I read was more progressive lies and ridiculous (and boring) articles from leftist economic "minds". MY "crazy ideas" have been proven over and over and over and over and over in REAL LIFE...not theory like the ones you continue to point out are.

So please, feel free not to reply. It only shows how weak your arguments actually are. Those who know the truth are willing to stick-up for it and defend it, not run away from it and WORSE, tell others not to participate in the conversation.

As for my unethical attitude? I'm sorry if I strongly feel that someone should work for what they get and have the say if they choose to share with others...I don't want some politician or god forbid, someone like yourself telling me what I can or cannot do with my money, life, or property.

You don't know ANYTHING about me or my life. You don't know the time and money I have invested in helping my fellow human beings (charity, job creation, foreign service). I guarantee it is more than you have done or will ever do.
SaraSara said:
The current administration is trying to undo the horrific damage done by the previous one. Clinton left a 300 billion surplus upon leaving office, and Bush left behind an 800 billion deficit, without counting the cost of his insane "Mission Accomplished" Iraq war.

Bush's tax cuts heavily favor the very wealthy - I fail to see how extending them will do anything but further enrich his banking and oil industry pals.

sara i see you're still stuck in the phony left vs right paradigm that ultimately goes nowhere except to advance the agenda of the global elite. Are you still worried that a racist will assassinate obama? - perhaps one of those evil, gun toting tea partiers.

as another poster on this thread mentioned, please get some new material and stop blaming bush for everything. this is obama's presidency now. he owns this. blaming anything on bush from this point forward is purely a cop out.

1) what happened to obama's pledge to end the patriot act? he renewed it.

Obama signs extension of Patriot Act

"The act, which was adopted in the weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, expands the government's ability to monitor Americans in the name of national security."

2) why have the wars in afghanistan and pakistan increased? Why do we have 95,000 troops currently in Afghanistan?

July’s Toll Worst for U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

US troops in Afghanistan surpass number in Iraq

3) what happened to all the transparency he promised? this is one of the most secretive administrations we've ever had.

Shady Secrets

A hidden world, growing beyond control

"The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work."

4) how about banking reform? what a laugh. all he did was assist in the consolidation of banking powers.

Obama signs a bill that lets banks have US over a barrel once more

"Obama didn't consider re-instating Glass-Steagall. On the contrary, he packed his administration with the same people who helped Clinton remove it."

5) What happened to closing Guantanamo? The Dems control both houses of congress yet still can't get it closed?

Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority


I suppose I could go on and on with examples on how there is no difference between obama and bush. THEY BOTH WORK FOR THE SAME TEAM! The objective is to advance the globalist agenda. Why do you think that for the most part, administrations rarely undo what previous administrations have already done.