Many of our clients were illegal aliens who did not even speak English, but still managed to find and hold jobs. Initially they were preyed upon by their employers, but after a couple of years they found their footing, brought their families over, moved out of crumbling rental apartments (NOT SUBSIDIZED), bought modest homes and sent their children to school and to community colleges. Often, two or three families pooled their resources to buy a home, then gradually moved out as they got better paying jobs.
What a Grand BS, Dear.
Footing? I am living in close proximity with those, almost 10 years, while you visiting the US on occasion. Our prospective are different, as one pretty Ana once said.
Those fellows do live in packs, so "subsidized" communities are rejecting such dormitories.
They are working for cash and there is NO WAY for them to save-up ANYTHING.
All they do is work and sleep. Well, eat sometimes too. There no growing out opportunists who's tremendous entrepreneurial behavior is so strong to pick him (her) self up from the mud.
Look at prices of autos and machinery, supplies, gas and the rest. And look at white American second or third generation landscapers, for pity sake. They are the BOSSES. I am living close to one and our kids are hanging together.
Its no wonder why those poor creatures landscaping - they are no fit for surrounding communities.
As someone stated here: no education, no English, no opportunity to go anywhere. Bc you'll have to have TIME to do some study. So stop bullshitting about those who "bought modest homes". I know how they are buying. Just bc "Smoel&Pusseldo" hacking American taxpayers money through real estate schemes. First to allow illegals to get into mortgages, then flatten them with lovely APR scheme, then "foreclose" them and go on to the next "modest" illegal or poor idiot who still have no clue in what is going on.
What savings?
You're just telling us some stories that people like you (so-called "rich" helpers to illegal jumpers) come up to cover this idiocracy.
... as they got better paying jobs.
Poors have no way to get out of poverty without external findings. Even if you'll work your respectfully "rich" arse off, there will be not enough bc poors will never make into that "moderate" paying class in fist place. So they go illegal, work for cash, living in "4-families-in-one" shithole, sending "cuts" back home to starving relatives...
But of course, Sara used to meet those brave ones who were "dreaming" of getting into "supplies" business. Meaning supplies of more illegals to implowed landscaping market?
And while cutting bushes and grass for $13/day from 7-to-7 and asquiring "education" loans (that another well known organization will make available for them for some strange reason) they stepping deeper and deeper into their credit mud. So sooner or later its all will produce bright and straightforward reflection on their "credit history" via your long-line relatives creation: FICO scores. Then some "shmoozel" a.k.a. loan processor/officer will be able to screw and forge the loan application based on "their" ITD ratio. So shmoozel will use all his/her creativeness to basically lie to lenders in order to move the loan and collect his %%% (silver coins?)
So, 2-3 years later, our "prospective opportunists" will start receiving scary notes on their mortgage due to increase in APR scheme that they were "not clearly understood", credit cards, car payments, even electric bills.
So, then house will get sheriff deputy's "lock change" and auctioned for $100 to another "brave" "investment" company who ready to play another bullshit scheme by buying "bad" investments in prosperous believes to raise some "intrinsic value" of the properties and Return money On Investment. Bla-bla-bla...
But our "prospects" are back to 4-family-in-one" shithole living and 1 out of 10, 000 lucky Latino business "owner" will hire them to cut grass again.
At the same time, working communities pulling burden of "helping" to "poor".
Is this is the same kind of opportunity u're talking about, Dear?
the immigrants I worked with had strong family values, and that gave them and their children the edge.
The edge? Yeah, I've got one "dormitory" of those right in the next building. Their relatives come via Lexus RS330 or Mers but whining sonsabitches still fight each other at night and bitching around, all their freaking "santabarbara" already reported to the point of f...ing kicking them out decision.
Once a week either pals or his females loosing some crap at parking lot. Never bothered to pick-up.
And their "truly" working on themselves... Their stupid piece of shit cars are all jammed up here and there. And they were end-up in decent community (????). Holy Shit. I suppose one of those "Saranian" advocates gave them "helping hand" to forge their residence history.
"... The problem was that they were so scared of anything having to do with the GOVERNMENT that they didn't really believe us, and thus their lives were that much more difficult.
These people came from hill villages in Colombia and Guatemala, and they were the poorest of the poor - never had a proper diet, never even had running water. Many were were toothless at age forty.
They were so ignorant they could not even fill a form, and so trusting that they would sign anything we put before them."
Holy Crap, what a load of genetic enhancement we have now. Thank you, Sara for ur "hard work".
"Did you get me, sweetheart" (c)?