Power cuts: have you been affected?


Mar 25, 2007
Some of my friends have experienced power cuts. One in Recoleta for four days. My apartment 1 day. Any other stories?
In my building in Congreso, some apartments had power (mine did yay!) and some did not. However, there was no power in the common areas, so the elevator didn´t work and neither did the water pumps, so we had no water or elevator for about 1.5 days. Not the end of the world, but not fun either.
We have electricity in only half the house (none for the water pump). Most of our street has none, it's been out since yesterday (Salta y Carlos Calvo)
This is the first year that we have had no problems in Palermo Soho . I know that they have spent a lot of monies in this neighbourhood of late to increase the electricity voltage.

The areas that are mostly affected are the ones with more Apartment buildings . ie Caballito, Microcentro , Palermo Hollywood .
no problems in palermo soho, are you kidding? i am on oro betw nicaragua and costa rica. my house is fine as our side of the street seems to be. on the other side of the street (towards godoy cruz) absolutely no one has electricity, and none of the street lights are on.
yesterday i had no power for 2 hours in barrio norte. 4 days i would die
We were in Hurlingham (Zona Oeste) for Nochebuena -- lights went out 10pm, electricity not restored until midday the 25th. The 82 year old diabetic father of my husband's aunt (ie no relation on our side) -- had an episode -- I thought it was an infarto but I think he just got really low glucose. We called for an ambulance 4 times, no one came. fortunately one of the cousins is a doctor so took care of him, but what the old man needed more than anything was a cool place to recover.

On our way home to Capital at 4am we drove past one of the large villas by CEAMSE -- they had all the lights going. My husband joked to his family the next day that he would have rolled down his window and shouted "Hijos de p# que ni paguen la luz!!!" but they wouldn't have heard him anyway over the noise of their stereos....
syngirl said:
The 82 year old diabetic father of my husband's aunt (ie no relation on our side) -- had an episode -- I thought it was an infarto but I think he just got really low glucose. We called for an ambulance 4 times, no one came.

Christ, that's horrifying. So sorry he had to go through that.