Problems buying dollars with an expired tourist visa


Jul 30, 2010
Today I went to purchase dollars at a Casa del Cambio in the city of Cordoba, but was rejected because my tourist visa had expired - in October 2010. They told me that I could only buy dollars with a valid tourist visa or a DNI.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Is this a nationwide policy, or did I just pick the wrong place to change my money? It's not a big problem, as I have Argentines who can help me change my money, but frustrating none the less, as I was buying dollars to use during my upcoming trip to the States, where I will get all the documents needed to apply for my DNI.
This is true! I came back to the States yesterday and went through a similar experience.

I went to buy dollars at the exchange in Unicenter a couple days ago, and was shocked to see that they actually looked for my entry stamp. (By the way, nationals need their full DNI book, the little laminated card will not do... as my boyfriend found out.) I thankfully had my passport with me since I had just gone to suspend my OSDE policy.

I did the Colonia trip about 3 months ago, so my visa was up to date and I was able to exchange.... though he did mention how close I was to the date. :) I always get the feeling that they're looking to catch you and are left disappointed when your visa is up to date. Had the same experience at the airport - the woman looked like she really wanted to hit me with a fine. Even after I told her what page the stamp was on, she mulled it over and over, until finally stamping. :rolleyes:
When I go to the bank at florida and corrientes they always ask for my passport but never actually check the date, just flick the pages over and hand it back without really looking.

I assume this is a combination of my passport being full of 100's of stamps and it's pretty busy, so they just don't have the energy.

So maybe try a busier bank
I have had the same thing happen when cashing travelers cheques - checking stamps.
Today while at the bank an american guy was told he couldnt get money out, and from the bits of conversation i heard/understood i think it was for same thing..
it s happened to me, it s stupid and frustrating. now I only use people of trust or uruguay where changing currency is not considered suspicious activity by the enlightened oriental jurists.
Just use another place to exchange, where I exchange they never ask for any documents at all but its not in town