Problems in BA


Jan 18, 2011

I have a story to tell and I am looking for some answers and maybe someone here can help me a little bit further. This is what happened: On new years eve I was with some friends of mine in Crobar for a drink and for I thought a nice evening. When I was there I met a girl and we had some fun together and we decided to go upstairs because downstairs it was really crowded. We had a chat for a while till she decided to go to the bathroom. When she came back, she gave me a drink and she started talking with a guy she knew and this guy was in a group. After I shook some hands with some people I started talking with a girl who was sitting next to me and obviously was part of this group. Suddenly out of nowhere this guy comes along and started shouting at me that I had to leave but I didn't pay any attention. Then his friend came between us and told me I had to leave. I told him that I wasn't going to leave because there was no reason for me to leave. Next thing I know is that in the meantime the other guy grasps a glass or bottle and hit me with it on my head. Inmediately I had to go to the hospital and my head was fixed with approximately 40 stitches. After the hospital I went to the police and a report was made about what happened.

After this you are completely powerless and nothing is being done finding this guy. 1 day after this incredibly cowardly act, I tried to find out what this guy's name was by going back to crobar but all of a sudden no one is there and no one is going to help you.

Now I was wandering, because eventually I found out what his name is and where he came from etc, what is the best thing I can do right now. I found out that he is not from here and because I am not from here either it makes it pretty complicated. Is there someone here who can help me with this and tell me what to do because I really think he has to pay for what he did.

Ties said:
After the hospital I went to the police and a report was made about what happened...I found out what his name is and where he came from etc, what is the best thing I can do right now...I really think he has to pay for what he did.

If pursuing this means he will find out where you live I suggest you just let it go. If he was part of a group he obviously has friends. If he is still here, he (and his friends) could easily surprise you again...and with more than a beer bottle to the head. If he hit you once without provocation he is probably willing to do it again and will "justify" it because you are causing him (legal) trouble.

Letting go won't get you the justice you deserve, but being safe doesn't make you a coward. The guy who hit you when you weren't looking is the coward. I hope you don't sink to his level and "surprise" him with the desire to make him pay.
Couldn´t hurt to file a police report. Certainly, you have a hospital report. You do have the names of the people who identified the culprits??
We´ll all have to agree that BA keeps getting better, everyday!!
In all honesty apart from reporting it to the Police ( which is something the people from Crobar should have done btw ) I don´t think there is a lot you can do. If you, your friends or the Crobar staff had called 911 ( they should have if you were in need of 40 stitches! ) it would be a different story and the Police would have had to arrest the guy at the very least. What did your friends do to help? Are them local or expats? Sorry to hear...
fred mertz said:
Couldn´t hurt to file a police report. Certainly, you have a hospital report. You do have the names of the people who identified the culprits??
We´ll all have to agree that BA keeps getting better, everyday!!
Come on! That a very idiotic thing to say! Everywhere where there is a lot of alcohol and drinkers there are fights, etc, in all countries!
Ties said:

I have a story to tell and I am looking for some answers and maybe someone here can help me a little bit further. This is what happened: On new years eve I was with some friends of mine in Crobar for a drink and for I thought a nice evening. When I was there I met a girl and we had some fun together and we decided to go upstairs because downstairs it was really crowded. We had a chat for a while till she decided to go to the bathroom. When she came back, she gave me a drink and she started talking with a guy she knew and this guy was in a group. After I shook some hands with some people I started talking with a girl who was sitting next to me and obviously was part of this group. Suddenly out of nowhere this guy comes along and started shouting at me that I had to leave but I didn't pay any attention. Then his friend came between us and told me I had to leave. I told him that I wasn't going to leave because there was no reason for me to leave. Next thing I know is that in the meantime the other guy grasps a glass or bottle and hit me with it on my head. Inmediately I had to go to the hospital and my head was fixed with approximately 40 stitches. After the hospital I went to the police and a report was made about what happened.

After this you are completely powerless and nothing is being done finding this guy. 1 day after this incredibly cowardly act, I tried to find out what this guy's name was by going back to crobar but all of a sudden no one is there and no one is going to help you.

Now I was wandering, because eventually I found out what his name is and where he came from etc, what is the best thing I can do right now. I found out that he is not from here and because I am not from here either it makes it pretty complicated. Is there someone here who can help me with this and tell me what to do because I really think he has to pay for what he did.


Damn dude, 40 stitches?? I'm sorry that happened to you...That Crobar is straight up full of a bunch of thugs that give a shit less about anything else except for their one cool shirt and making a good impression on friends. I've been there twice I think and never had any issues, but maybe I got lucky...

The thing you need to understand is that it's the Wild Wild West down here. People do what they want to do and there are no repurcussions. That's the way I approach everything and go out of my way to avoid conflict even if it makes me look like a chump. My gf's father and brother are both attorneys down here and they always say that crimes like these go unprosecuted, which is bullsht, but what are you going to do. In the States, that crime would be considered assault with a deadly weapon punishable up to 6 years. Down here, it's just another day...

Sorry again about your misfortune (my blood pressure is boiling because of your story)...those punks will eventually get what's coming to them. Keep your head up and let me know if you find out where they live and need some help ;-)
I think the best thing for you to do would be to ask a lawyer, and ask her/him what to do. If you speak Spanish it would be easier for you to ask a lawyer. Remember that January is the month of "feria" for the lawyers. It means you are not going to find a lot of lawyers in town, however you will be able to reach some through cel phones.

Here, lawyers usually dont charge the first visit, and there you can ask for the professional's fees.

I am sorry to read your story.
I have been overthinking about it, and I would like to suggest you to visit a social worker or therapist. I believe you are going through a hard time, coping with everything and being far away from your closest ones. I may ask my therapist to recommend a colleague of him to you, but I will need to have an idea of your language skills and neigbourhood. Feel free to send me a Private Message. To do this you will need to enable PM going to the main menu of this web page and click on User CP or Quick Links. Good luck and get better!
I think the best thing to do would be to drop it. If you try to pursue him at all or take matters into your own hands, chances are you will either end up in the hospital again or in jail. As much as police don't like to find the people when we are the victims, they would LOVE to through a gringo in jail.

And since he seems to have friends, thats even more reason to let it go. If you have been asking around to much, he might even already know that you are looking for him.

I know it sucks. Its not fair. But its best to just let it go.

But with that said, for all we know you could press charges against the club. But seeing as this is Argentina, I doubt that could happen.
Sorry to hear this. Unfortunately B.A. is like the wild west with no sheriff. You can file a police report but I think you are really on your own. I wouldn't follow up on it unless you have a couple of very large and brawny friends to take along.