That¡s right, embalming fluid! Everyone will have to make up their own mind about it but i was surprised to find formaldehyde in so many products i was using. Although it hasnt been used in many countries in years, Argentina still uses it because its cheap, to cut corners.
Sedal shampoo (pretty common here, has it in it), Doree hair gel that ive used for 3 years has it. When i did some looking around in the supermarket, i found it in many products, for example, Suave shampoo.
Another product of shampoos, etc. called SALVIA (i think i have that right) has a product, green shampoo, touted as natural "Now with Aloe)", well, it should say, "Now with formaldehyde!", but then what do i know about marketing. Oddly, just looking quickly i didnt find it in the other Salvia shampoos, just the "natural" one.
I found it in the liquid handsoap of the Farmacity brand.
I did internet research on the topic and a lot of studies have been done. Its been used in products like shampoo for years. when i asked friends and family back home to look at the ingredients for what they were using, not one person found it in it. Not uncommon in cleaning supplies either.
Important to read the labels here as anywhere else. I read labels back home, but i never buy anything here without reading the label the first time. I want to avoid Beef Fat--Grasa Vacuna) for one thing and its in so many products here (just about all cookies and crackers in the market). Fat and sugar, hard to avoid here. Formaldehyde? easier to avoid, if you decide you dont want to use it.
Sedal shampoo (pretty common here, has it in it), Doree hair gel that ive used for 3 years has it. When i did some looking around in the supermarket, i found it in many products, for example, Suave shampoo.
Another product of shampoos, etc. called SALVIA (i think i have that right) has a product, green shampoo, touted as natural "Now with Aloe)", well, it should say, "Now with formaldehyde!", but then what do i know about marketing. Oddly, just looking quickly i didnt find it in the other Salvia shampoos, just the "natural" one.
I found it in the liquid handsoap of the Farmacity brand.
I did internet research on the topic and a lot of studies have been done. Its been used in products like shampoo for years. when i asked friends and family back home to look at the ingredients for what they were using, not one person found it in it. Not uncommon in cleaning supplies either.
Important to read the labels here as anywhere else. I read labels back home, but i never buy anything here without reading the label the first time. I want to avoid Beef Fat--Grasa Vacuna) for one thing and its in so many products here (just about all cookies and crackers in the market). Fat and sugar, hard to avoid here. Formaldehyde? easier to avoid, if you decide you dont want to use it.