Professional Photo Labs


Nov 20, 2011
My web searches aren't giving me great results ... Can anyone recommend a professional photo lab here in BA?

I go here : Megaphoto

I am folowing a photography course, and these 2 labs are the only ones we can use : BAcolor and Megaphoto.
I've used Buenos Aires Color as well, because the instructor for my UBA Rojas photography course told us that they are excellent and moderately priced.

Katti is rich and so she goes to a more convenient location, because money is no object.

I also go to Buenos Aires Color in San does my boyfriend who is a prof.photog :) They're great!
Napoleon said:
I've used Buenos Aires Color as well, because the instructor for my UBA Rojas photography course told us that they are excellent and moderately priced.

Katti is rich and so she goes to a more convenient location, because money is no object.


haha that's a good one! Mega photo I can take the car and park in front, BAcolor I need to take a taxi or pay carpark... so whatever I spend more on pics I lose on parking :D
is there actually a price difference?
katti said:
haha that's a good one! Mega photo I can take the car and park in front, BAcolor I need to take a taxi or pay carpark... so whatever I spend more on pics I lose on parking :D
is there actually a price difference?

Car? CAR?!?!

I told you she's rich!! :p

Actually, I think that BA COLOR has the cheapest prices in town for professional quality stuff.