Project X?!

The SIDE did similar stuff back in the day... Strangely enough, the assassination of piqueteros occurred under Carlos Soria's management of SIDE. Soria, as some might recall, was the governor shot in the face in January.
Aconcagua said:
Those that do not support the current regime are toast (I mean retired):
Project X

Like I mentioned in an earlier won't be long before they try to pin the tail on the donkey, they need scapegoats from gendarmeria...everyone knows that Gendarmeria doesn't even pass wind without permission from the K Klan.

If there was nothing to hide, why the official silence? Why cut off heads now?

EDIT: 1.30pm Monday 20th - What's interesting is that so far, Cronica news supposedly the biggest with the largest audience in the country - has not even mentioned Proyecto X once! Imagine if these K worshiping morons had their way & we had no opposing news services like La Nacion or Clarin...there would be a total news blackout on this & we would never find out what these clowns are up to.

Now, even Moyano is breathing a sigh of relief that La Nacion & Clarin are still standing...being that he's desperate for attention after being stabbed in the back & discarded by his old buddies- the K Klan who turned on him after he helped them to win the elections.

Moyano blocked the entrances of La Nacion & publicly attacked it while 'brown nosing' for the Ks last year.
Ha - did they really call it Project X? Ever read Atlas Shrugged?

Lets see...

Overly protective government that actively fights 'Dog eat Dog' competition through taxes and corruption - check
Railroad accidents - check
Union officials in league with government officials to start 'riots' - check
Shady 'secret' program called Project X - check...

Who is John Galt????