Pub Chat - Thu, 11 Sep 7Pm - Cafe Nostalgia (Palermo)


Oct 17, 2013
Join us for drinks and snacks (maní con cáscara - peanuts in the shell) this Thursday evening at Cafe Nostalgia

Cafe Nostalgia, Coronel Diaz 1405 (corner of Soler)
Thursday, 11 September, 2014

Let me know if you are coming...we'll need to have enough seats reserved for you to attend. This is a small neighborhood cafe/bar that serves some food, mostly known for it's relaxed atmosphere.
Reminder about pub chat tomorrow! Come have drinks with some extranjeros.

Join us for drinks and snacks (maní con cáscara - peanuts in the shell) this Thursday evening at Cafe Nostalgia

Cafe Nostalgia, Coronel Diaz 1405 (corner of Soler)
Thursday, 11 September, 2014

Let me know if you are coming...we'll need to have enough seats reserved for you to attend. This is a small neighborhood cafe/bar that serves some food, mostly known for it's relaxed atmosphere.
Pub chat tonight at 7pm...

By the way, if you forgot a notebook at coffee chat yesterday, I have it with me...

Join us for drinks and snacks (maní con cáscara - peanuts in the shell) this Thursday evening at Cafe Nostalgia

Cafe Nostalgia, Coronel Diaz 1405 (corner of Soler)
Thursday, 11 September, 2014

Let me know if you are coming...we'll need to have enough seats reserved for you to attend. This is a small neighborhood cafe/bar that serves some food, mostly known for it's relaxed atmosphere.
One more reminder about pub chat tonight at 7pm...RSVP if you'd like a seat saved

Join us for drinks and snacks (maní con cáscara - peanuts in the shell) this Thursday evening at Cafe Nostalgia

Cafe Nostalgia, Coronel Diaz 1405 (corner of Soler)
Thursday, 11 September, 2014

Let me know if you are coming...we'll need to have enough seats reserved for you to attend. This is a small neighborhood cafe/bar that serves some food, mostly known for it's relaxed atmosphere.
For all you Chaters Cafe Cocu customers in Palermo were robbed at gunpoint yesterday eve !!!! a group of women holding a baby shower lost money and personal effects in minutes.
Thanks for the heads up, RichOne.

Any others taking a risk to go to pub chat?
Sadly it was probably because they were having a baby shower that they were robbed. Too much on show, too much unsecured bounty, lots of women and probably not many males, which, regardless of what we might think would represent a smaller risk to the mind of a paco fulled bag snatcher.

Opportunist and cynical. Regardless of the rights & wrongs of the situation it would not occur to me to have a public exchange of gifts in Palermo these days.