Public Universities

Honestly, at least in Europe, most employers will look at your degree from UADE or UBA in the same light. Not much of a difference.

Some qualifications carry across, some do not. Depends on the qualification and location. My wife has an accountancy qualification from UADE with which she was able to get work permits in Europe, no problem. It was an internationally recognised qualification.
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to know mainly because I'll be prolonging my stay here only for education purposes. Six years is a long time to be away from my family specially since airfare is so pricey and makes it complicated to fly in and out these days.
You don't have to listen to me, just check out this ranking of international universities: Not ONE Argentine institution among the 400 listed. Note that some of those who posted above would celebrate a turd if it had an Argentinian flag in it. Draw your own conclusions.
Also, 200 pesos/hour (USD 15/hour) is less than what a 16-year old high school student in a developed country would make as a babysitter.
You don't have to listen to me, just check out this ranking of international universities: Not ONE Argentine institution among the 400 listed. Note that some of those who posted above would celebrate a turd if it had an Argentinian flag in it. Draw your own conclusions.
Also, 200 pesos/hour (USD 15/hour) is less than what a 16-year old high school student in a developed country would make as a babysitter.

These are definitely things to consider when deciding to study in Argentina, but keep in mind the following if you are considering studying in the US:

I'm sure attending one of those 400 best universities will increase your loan amount considerably. IMHO, it ultimately comes down to what experience you want as much as the cost benefit / ROI calculations of where to study (and where to live!!!).

If it were strictly a question of where/how to make more money, most of us would have never lived in Argentina.
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to know mainly because I'll be prolonging my stay here only for education purposes. Six years is a long time to be away from my family specially since airfare is so pricey and makes it complicated to fly in and out these days.
i´m psychologist myself and refused an offer to work in Miami more than a decade ago, but some guys are still working there.
Many degrees from here have many agreements with other countries and with a degree here with a good note you can go for a masters at a great university in the US, yes you may be missing a class or two but you will have no problem. I know many people who are doctors from UBA working in the US for example and also UBA has the most nobel peace prize winners, and who built the UN building in NYC yeah you guessed right an architect from UBA. So if you get good internships and do well with what you do don't see this as a hinder. Another thing to look at is that public universities accept anyone who want to go to school. So just like there are some countries in that are ahead of the US not all them have a chance to go to school and can be educated to a certain extent equally. So UBA having a 100% acceptance rate I think is powerful in the fact that I'm sure obviously some people are bringing down the rankings. Because is it really who they can restrict to make themselves look good or the amount of people that they are able to educate and allowing anyone to do basically any career that they want, now I think that is what is important too.
I don't know about the US, but a psychology degree from Argentina is not recognised in Canada (like medical degrees, they make you go back and repeat years of education), so if you are studying and want to practice professionally you might want to investigate whether your degree will be accepted in whatever country you hope to end up in. You may be lucky and only have to do a Masters, or you may be told you have to repeat years of your undergrad.
Cesar milstein with a degree from UBA went to earn a nobel prize

So, do we recommend attending an Argentine university to increase your chances of being a Nobel laureate.

Many talented Argentine academics have had to leave the country to be successful, because of political interference with their work here.
UNLP is a good choice. It has a history of solid public education which is certainly superior to private universities. As for Psychology, not sure what orientation they hold. UBA is all about Freud and mostly Lacan. It would be wise to take paralell courses in other institutions if UNLP has an overly Freudian orientation.There are many choices of courses, seminars, workshops available. Some institutions you might take note of are: Fundación Jung; Centro Transpersonal de Buenos Aires
Good luck with your career and you will certainly enjoy La Plata which is a student city.