Question for Americans:Voting?

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Election Fraud in 2016: Do We Really Have a Democracy?

TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton spoke with lulu Fries'dat, the lead author of "An Electoral System in Crisis", an extensive 38 page statistical examination of the accuracy of the 2016 primary voting. Fries'dat explains the methodology of the study, as well as the reason why the results that they uncovered showed significant problems in the way that votes were counted.

Cited study:

The US democracy places LAST in the world.

Interview -

and Lulu's documentary -

"The overwhelming majority of the almost two dozen states that we analyzed, demonstrate irregularities. We found suspect statistical patterns in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary in Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. These irregularities were significant, as we demonstrate in Louisiana, sometimes as large as 36% and could change the outcome of the election.

In almost every instance the discrepancies favored Hillary Clinton. In all likelihood the current results have assigned her a greater percentage of the vote than she may have actually received, while simultaneously under-reporting Bernie Sanders’ legitimate vote share."
You are cordially invited to a Voting Event hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires on September 22, 2016 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm! If you are a U.S. citizen living overseas, you can vote in the upcoming 2016 elections.

This event will give all U.S. citizens the opportunity to:

· Register to vote

· Request an absentee ballot

· Cast their ballot

Note: If you have already received a ballot from your election office, bring it with you. If you have not received a ballot, we will have Federal Write-In Absentee ballots available for you to use.

The event will take place at the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires; entry to the event will be through Av. Colombia 4300.

Please RSVP no later than September 20. In order to enter the U.S. Embassy you must present a government-issued photo ID showing your U.S. Citizenship (examples could be a U.S. passport or Argentine DNI indicating your U.S. Nationality)

Note: A U.S. Driver’s license cannot be used as a form of ID, as it does not confirm U.S. citizenship.

Children 12 years old and younger can enter with their parents. Children over 13 and spouses can only enter with government-issued photo ID indicating U.S. citizenship.

For security reasons, backpacks, large bags, and electronic devices of any kind are not permitted. DO NOT bring these items, as this will prevent your entry to the event.

We encourage U.S. citizens to join us in exercising your right to vote!

We hope to welcome you to the U.S. Embassy! And remember: YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

If you are unable to attend the event, you can drop your Federal Post Card Application or ballot at the U.S. Embassy for mailing. Fill out and seal your voting materials per the instructions located at Insert your materials in the postage-paid envelope located at, address it to your local election officials, and drop it at the U.S. Embassy at the gate located on Cerviño.*
The general definition of crime is "an act committed in violation of law".I don't believe that Hillary has been convicted of any such violation as yet-
Trump is a lunatic as well as a meathead, and will never be elected.The problem is to get more capable people interested in political carrers not only in the US but in many other countries.
. The Argentines have been telling that same joke but about Peron and Evita for the last 60 years.
Moreover,if I were Brazilian,I would be proud as punch over my country's presnt judiciary and a very symbolic opening ceremony for these Olympic Games.
The general definition of crime is "an act committed in violation of law".I don't believe that Hillary has been convicted of any such violation as yet-

Neither were George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger or even O. J. Simpson, for that matter. You are welcome to defend their character from any accusations of being criminals too.
Your moral posturing cap is on very tight. Let's not beg the question.
The moral characters of Bush,Cheney and Kisssenger are,of course,open to conjecture and personal points of view.However,none of them,except Cheney, have been convicted of a violation of law.
However,I'll take O.J.Simpson.Simpson was declared "not guilty" because his lawyer was intelligent enough to find a tape where the Los Angeles police chief was heard to make racial slurs against blacks which would have adversly effected his testimony against Simpson.Therefore,making it imposible to get a fair trail.
Nonetheless,fate took care of punishing Simpson who, as the years went on ,fell more and more apart getting into more trouble with the law .I believe he was finally found guilty of another crime and incarcerated.
What,indeed,are you attempting to show with these statements? That Hillary too is not qualified to be president of the U.S.? I can't follow your reasoning.
In the next four years a vote for Hillary may turn out to be a vote for Tim Kaine (for President) for one reason or another..

But at least she always tells the truth:

Especially when she said ' "I may have short circuited." regarding what she told the FBI

But, hey, what difference does it make at this point that she might become the next President?

PS: I don't like Trump, but I would like to know more about any criminal accusations that have been leveld agianst him, just so I can weigh the evidence.

I'd also like to know how much more wealth Trump has created than Mrs. Clinton, and how many private sector jobs each of them have created (especially in New York, where Mrs. Clinton was a U. S. Senator and ran for that office with a promise to create jobs, especially upstate).
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