Getting STD testing done here in BA is not as simple as I hoped it would be, at least in my experience. Maybe it's because I'm a woman and this is Latin America, but I definitely felt a little judged by the people I came in contact with during this process. I'll go ahead and write it in this thread for anyone who might run a search in the future.
I have obra social, so I went to a gynecologist to get a prescription for the tests since I also needed a yearly exam. My boyfriend and I had made things official, and decided to do the responsible thing and go get tested despite our safe histories. It would seem that this is not standard practice in Buenos Aires. Before the doctor even examined me, I told her I was there for a pap and to get an order for the tests. Her reply: But you don't have anything! I repeat, this was before I even took my pants off and it was my first visit with her. I said, well, I don't have any physical symptoms, but my boyfriend and I are getting tested to be safe. Her reply: Oh, is he in treatment for one? Then she told me a bit about Argentine machismo and her patients who come in crying because their boyfriends are too macho to admit they might have something. I just kind of nodded (my boyfriend is not Argentine) because I wanted to get out of there. She asked nothing about my sexual history, but wrote two tests on the order. I had to request that she add gonorrhea and HIV. I did not request an HPV test because I got the Gardasil vaccine in the U.S. before I became sexually active, so I am not sure if it is offered here.
The next day, at the lab, the technician looked at the order and the first thing out of her mouth was, Is your boyfriend already in treatment? I explained why I was there. Her demeanor changed completely and though I tried my best to brush it off, I felt judged. Not a fun way to feel when your feet are in stirrups. :/
When I went to pick up the results seven days later, all was fine but I realized that the lab didn't do the test for gonorrhea. I called and they said it was because it was a special blood analysis that they didn't do. Could have told me that when I was there...Called another lab and they said the same thing. Boyfriend and I gave up on that particular test. He also had to request from his doctor to add more tests to his order, including HIV, and we were both pretty fed up at this point.
To the OP, have you called only labs, or did you try any of the clinics specializing in STD testing? If I had to do it again, I think I'd go that route. Here's one link I found: Good luck.
If anyone has had a more positive experience, please post. I'm one person out of many. The last thing I want to do is put people off doing the responsible thing. At the end of the day, I'm happy we did it, I was just surprised by the doctors' attitudes.